chapter 9

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The snapping of the twigs under our shoes filled in the silence as we all hiked further and further on the trail, the view getting better by the minute. It was breathtaking- the vast open land filled in with all kinds of different greenery, untouched by time. "Dang, I wish I had a better view for this photo," Flora said as she stared on happily, "it's great out here." All of a sudden I had an idea- I went over to Willow and Anette and told them what I was doing, and asked them to back up. With the help of my own magic, I was able to unleash my wings quietly without thankfully ruining my clothes.

"Are you afraid of heights?"

"Uhmm, no- not really, why?"

"Then hang on tight," and without hesitation, I scooped her up and soared into the sky. She laughed breathlessly as her arm clung around me, and vis versa as one arm is under her bent knees, the other around her back. "This is amazing! I can't believe you can do this!" I just smiled big as I looked at the horizon, the sunsets colors painting the sky. "It's beautiful." She finally took the photo with her phone, but then flipped the camera an took a picture of us as well. We flew back down, the scent of her perfume swallowed me whole while her hair flew all around her. "That was incredible," she shrieked with excitement when we hit the ground again, and I set her down gently. "Wait till you see how we start our camp fires," Willow said, her and Anette walked back up towards us. "I haven't seen her do that in years." I shrugged, feigning ignorance, as we walked back to the campsite. "Seems like you like her a lot," Anette whispered, nudging my shoulders with hers. "Shh," I rebuttal in defense.

When we finally make it back to the campsite, the temperature dropped enough to make my hands cold. "Hydra dear, can you make the fire now?" I obliged and started picking up wood and putting it in place. "Okay, stand back everyone." Right when they take a step back, I take a deep breathe, and let out the biggest flame I could produce. The fire poured out of my mouth fast when I exhale, heating up my throat and tingling tongue. It feels go to let loose like this. I stop and there it is- a decent sized campfire for all to use, and I feel proud of my work as we all relax in front of the fire, eating shish kebabs and enjoying each others company. 

"What a day," Willow belched out, rubbing her full stomach. "Yeah, it's been wonderful with all of you," Anette agreed as she stretched out her arms, "but I think it's time to hit the hay." After she got up, she helped Willow out of her seat and they went off to the restrooms to change, leaving the two of us alone. I looked up at the night sky above, the stars twinkling like a bunch of Christmas lights. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I look over at her while she looked up at the sky too, her eyes full of emotion as she stared on, her hair getting in her face. I moved a couple strands, putting them behind her ear, and she looked at me thoughtfully. Not as beautiful as you are. "We should get some rest soon- it's getting late." I get up and help her to her feet, our tent is bountiful with space and blankets. "Well Hydra, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you knew I was gonna ask to share a tent," she said flirtingly, and I rubbed the back of my neck as the heat rushed to my face. "IIIII may have had an inkling." She laughed as she took off her boots and went on in. "Lemme know when you got your PJ's on, I'll be in in a minute." I picked up more firewood and put it in in an attempt to keep the fire going, Willow and Anette came back, telling me good night before zipping the tent up.

 "Come in!" I head in, taking my boots off and setting them outside next to hers. "Aren't you going to change?" Shit, I forgot to pack my pajamas. "I actually forgot..." She just shakes her head at me and opens up the blankets for me. "Come  here." I crawl in, laying down next to her as she covers me up . It was toasty under the blankets with her as she wrapped her arm around me like the night before. It's as if sleeping together had become a second nature to us, and for some reason I was okay with it. I could feel her press onto my back and nuzzle into me. You can snuggle your way into my heart all you want, I joked to myself as the sound of her breathing put me to sleep again.

As they drag her, her ankles hit the wood. I can hear her screams as they tie the rope around her neck and made sure the noose fit. The Gallows. I try to scream out, begging someone, anyone to stop this madness- but no one can hear me over the cheers of the crowd. I choke on dirt the guards kick in my face, wheezing as I look up for the last time. But I shouldn't have... in slow motion , as my heart stops, the piercing sound of her being dropped to her death rips my heart in to shreds.

"NO! DON'T!" 

I find myself screaming in the middle of the night, dripping in sweat. I can feel that my scales are standing out on my neck. I quickly take my shirt of without thinking twice. I take ragged deep breaths- air, I need air. I hear frantic unzipping and footsteps coming my way, an I look over with tears in my eyes. Flora is awake, stunned into silence as she looks at my back. My back- shit. "Hydra, are you okay dear, is everything alright?" Anette unzips the tent and gasps as she too, sees the scars from the past on my back. "Hydra-," she barely whispers, "what happened to you?" We all sat together, their eyes on me, filled with shock and other emotions I can't place. 

"A long time ago," I began, "there was a woman I had fallen for. Her name was Elizabeth, and she... fancied me too. Her father had been planning to marry her off, but we had done some of our own planning too... we were going to run off together- I was even going to shave down my horns to hide the fact that I was a dragon. But the night we were setting out to leave... her father caught us. Her punishment was... the gallows." Everyone looked at me with confusion, and I hesitated before explaining. "Meaning... public execution... by hanging...'" the words taste bitter as they leave my mouth, tears pouring down my face while I continue, "and as for me, they gave me lashes... as I watched ... for the longest time after- magic species were separated from humans."

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