Chapter 10

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You could hear the crickets sing through the quiet around us. I stared into my lap, refusing to look up at their faces, when all of a sudden Willow got up and left the tent. Anette must have snapped out of her train of thought, as she soon followed after; I choked on my sobs as they argued in whispers. I couldn't pay attention to anything as my head swirled, and heart ached at the same time. What are they talking about? What is she saying? God, it's all my fault... Whatever they're saying sounds harsh in the night air as the tears pour out of my eyes like a fountain. I'm on the brink of a panic attack when, through the clouds of madness swarming me, Flora holds on to me tightly- her face touching my bare back and the scars . She held on so tight I thought I I wouldn't be able to breathe. "Because Anette," Willow accidentally shouted. I felt cold tears slide down my back. "It wasn't your fault- it never was. This still would've happened just with someone else- and I'm so sorry that it had to be you," she says with her trembling voice. Finally Anette came back looking defeated. "It's best if we give Willow her space dear." I shake my head and she came over on the other side to hold on to me- and that's how we spent the rest of the night.

When we woke up, I silently got out and headed over towards the showers. When I got out, everything had been packed, no one saying a word to one another. Needless to say, the car ride was awkward. Anette stayed with me as Willow took off with Flora, giving her a ride home. When we got into my apartment, we flopped on my bed, cross legged. 

"I know this was hard for you- and I want you to tell you I'm proud that you said something."

"It was the first time I told anyone." She looked at me with eyes full of understanding and care. "I think it's best if you talk to a professional too- carrying something that heavy isn't meant for the heart," she warmly said to me, grabbing my shoulder gently so I look her in the eyes. I teared up and shook my head, agreeing with her. She pulled out a card and handed it to me. "Willow is going to see her mom and family soon, so don't worry for right now- just get some rest, and for a changewill make you something to eat. I don't think it's a good idea to leave you alone right now." She gets up and heads out to the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts. I stare at the card before putting it away. Is this really... the next step? I crawl under the covers as if it would solve all of my problems. At least it'll stop me from overthinking, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

"Hydra dear, wake up. I made you some roasted vegetable pasta, eat up." I sat up in bed, my eyes puffy from the night before. As we ate together she peered up at me, "we still have to work tonight." I sighed. "I know." 

When it finally came time to open up shop, Willow was already down there, cleaning with a clenched jaw. As the night rolled on it became easier for her to avoid me. I could cut the tension with a knife. And when we finally closed she gave Anette a nod, and left without a word. That's exactly how the next three nights with her went, and it left me feeling more alone than ever- I tried to hid it for Anette's sake though as she showed up to make sure I ate at least one meal with her. When Monday morning rolled around, I found myself staring at pictures of me and Flora on my phone. I should message her sometime soon... I locked my phone and went ahead and got myself dressed in my uniform. I  don't know what's more uncomfortable- the silence through out the apartment, or working with Willow... I shake my head and go downstairs. An hour and a half goes by while we wait for customers, and I finally give in an text Flora.

 An hour and a half goes by while we wait for customers, and I finally give in an text Flora

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I smiled and a part of me relaxes while I wipe down my counter. The night drags on and I start to lose hope of it being a good one, when I get a selfie form Flora of her in a green dress with a choker and earrings as she blushes. My heart beat quickens as I stare at her, a customer breaking my focus. "So sorry." I say as I pour their drink. When two AM hit, the door jingles and there she sits at a booth waiting on me. I look around for customers before heading over, and that's when I tell her everything- the vibe I get when working with Willow, how the apartment has been empty, all of it. 

"Sounds like you need to relax and get your mind off of things."

"You could say that," I sigh heavily, putting my elbows on the table. Then all of a sudden I see her face light up with a mischievous smile. 

"Dance with me!" I stare at her blankly. "What?"

"You heard me- dance with me," she stood up and held out her hand for me. I take her hand and she pulls me along to the jukebox.

The song plays in the background as she comes back and I twirl her around, making her laugh. It was as if the worries and stress around me melted away as we danced together. Whatever customers we had when we finished had left and a part of me felt grateful we'd be closing soon. "Thank you," I said as the song ended and we walked away. "I'll let you know when it's closing time." I went up and wiped down the bar and helped a few customers who had come in late. When closing time finally hit, it went as it usually had been, with Willow more than happy to leave. "Whelp, I'm closing up shop now," I sighed with relief as I do. 

"How does tacos sound? Don't worry- I go all out so it's worth it," I say as she sits down at the kitchen island. "Can I help you cook," she asked with excitement and a smile, and I couldn't say now. We spent most of the time laughing and talking as we put everything together, and it was good to feel normal again. We waited for the timer to go off, sitting next to one another. "Thanks for coming over, I really needed this," I say as I sip on my drink. "No problem, I like being around you," she says with a flirty wink, but the timer goes off and I take out the enchiladas. The smell was amazing and made my mouth water. We both get our food, some wine, and head to the living room to do some binge watching. 

She ends up cuddling me in the corner of the couch, and I let it happen. "Hydra?"


"Do you still... believe in love...?"

I could feel her gaze at me with those big ocean blues of hers . "Yeah..." 

I feel my heart beat in my throat, and my face heat up as she raises hers up to mine. I cup her face with my hand, and I smell the scent of her sweet perfume. Her mouth is inches away from mine and...

And I couldn't do it.

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