Breakfast with Daddy's friend

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Hey guys! I'm requested by emperorknight12 to write a TFboys X Readers One Shot. So this one is a Karry one shot.

"Wake up honey. We are going to eat breakfast with me and Daddy's friends," your mom call in one holiday morning.

"Emh..." you stretched and rubbed your eye then gave an excuse, "must I go? It's so early and I'm going to my friend's house later."

"Well, I already call your friend's mother to tell her that you have something to do. So now get up quick we don't want to be late. And remember to wear something nice for today will be a nice day," your mom smiled and left the room. You frown and got up to get wash and changed.

When you and your family arrived at the restaurant, the waitress bring you and your family to the table with your parents' friends.

"Hi! It's been so long since we seen you. How are you?" The husband greeted.

"Oh we are fine. And I bet that my daughter will like to introduce herself to you all. Don't you_," your dad bet you. So you obey and did what he bet you to do.

"Hi auntie, hi uncle. My name is __, I'm (your age) this year."

The food came a few minutes later. It was very deliciousn. The adult chatted while they eat. Through their conversation you learned that the guy sitting next to you is your parent's friend's son and is name is Karry. He's kind of cute and good looking so you blushed sitting next to him.

When desert came you were full and you asked permission from your dad to go to the park near the restaurant for a walk.

"Sure. Be careful and watch for cars when you cross the road, ok," said your dad.

Somehow the aunty overheard you and your dad's conversation and suggested,

"Why don't you, Karry, go with her. I guess that will be safer for a girl."

"That's a good idea. Don't you think so," your dad agreed and you just nodded like you don't mind.

So you left the table and Karry obeyed what his mom said. On the way to the park neither of you speak. Just then, suddenly you tripped over a rock and hurt your knee.

"Are you ok?" Karry bent down and check if your knee is bleeding. Then he took your hand and help you up. But he did not let go. You two continued your way to the park with your hands still connected. He smiled and you blushed. You seems to know what is happening and you smiled too.

Ok, I apologises that I have no idea how to end this so I just did it like that. Wish you enjoyed it.

Just for your info, I'll be uploading again the weekend after the other. So it's next next weekend. And be free to request I you want to. I'll be glad receive it:)


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