Stuck in the Snow

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I feel chills coming in this story...narrows eyes...

Anyway here's a Karry one shot.


"Mom! I'm going to the tuition!" You shouted.

"Ok, be careful." You mom replied.


You out on your favorite boots and ran outdoor.

The sidewalks were all filled with snow.

You struggled through the snow. It was very thick.

'Urg! The snow is so annoying. Wjy does anyone clears the sidewalk?' You thought. 'I'm going to be so late.'

"Excuse me, can I ask I someone ever clears the sidewalk?" You asked when you saw a nice-looking police.

"I am sure there is someone around who is incharged of clearing it." He answered.

"But look at the snow, it's so thick! Don't you see it?" You complain.

"Yes indeed. I will report the one who is incharged for this."

"I wish so."

"If there's nothing more for you to say I shall leave now."

"No, sir."

He left and you continue your struggle through the thick snow.

"Hi __." A familiar voice called.

You turned around and saw a tall guy behind you. Immediately you recognized who is it.

It was Karry. Your annoying classmate who sit beside you and always talk to you.

"Oh, hi." You said softly, then turn away.

"You are not going to be late." He said.

"Why?" You asked without looking back.

"Because the teacher will be late today. So the time will be changed to 5:30 - 6:30."

You looked at your watch.

It was 4:30.

"Thanks for telling me." You said trying to stay cool to hide your shivering.

He seemed to see you shivering, so he said, "You are shivering. You stayed too long outside. Let's stop by at the coffee shop around the corner."

"No." You rejected.

"Why? You're shivering badly.

"Because I don't want to."

True you were shivering badly but you do not want to show the weak side of yourself.

"__ are you sure you are alright." He bragged.


"Wear my jacket. You'll be warmer." He took of his jacket and put it on you.

But, you pushed it away.

"I don't need it."

"Just wear it. My clothe are thick enough to keep myslef warm."  He put jacket back on you.

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T NEED IT!" You pushed him as you pushed his jacket away.

He grew impassioned on you.

He pick you up on the back.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING." You shivered while you screamed at him to out you down.

He ignored what you said and brought you to a warm cafe. He bought you a cup of hot choco.

Your lips were white and your teeth were chattering.

"I'm sorry for just now." He apologised for what he did just now.

You kept quite for you are too cold to speak a word.

After a while, when you feel better and warmer, you sipped a bit of the hot choco.

"Thank you." You thanked

"That's nothing. I'm just really worried about you." He explained.

You smiled bitterly.

You turned to look at the time.

It's 5:15.

"I think we have to go now." You quickly quickly finished your drink and stood up.

This time he did not stop you. He stood up with you and went behind you.

"Stop following me." You said coldly.

"I can't."


"because I'm going to tuition like you are."

You kept quite until you found out that you are going to be late soon. The tuition is center is 15 minutes away and now it's already 5:25.

'I'm going to be cooked by the teacher.' You thought.

So, without think much you ran as fast as you can.

"Hey! Hold on your horses!" Karry shurged.

He ran after you, trying to keep up with you as fast as he can.

You ignored him and keep on running.

At last you arrived at the tuition center, panting hardly.

"Puff...Puff..." Karry started panting behind you.

Your anger toward him was still in your mind.

You turned away and went in.

"Why are you so late?" Your tuition teacher asked, flaming up fiercely.

"I'm sorry teacher.  __ was shivering badly when we were walking to tuition." Karry explained.

Karry's word made you even more angrier than before.

Your tuition teacher looked at you still flaring and sort of puzzled.

"Sorry teacher. I'm promised that I will be punctual next time." You said coldly and turned away to your seat.

Karry bowed in apology and turned to sit next to you.

During the whole class you just ignored him, even if he gazes at you.

After tuition you immediately pack up your things and started for home.

On the way home you thought of you cozy bed and your warm blanket.

"__!" You heard someone called.

Right away you recognized who.

'Oh, him again.' you thought.

You walked faster.

"__!" He yelled again.

At last, you couldn't stand him anymore. You turned around and gazed at him sharply.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He closer to you.

No answers.

"Answer me." He held your arm.

Still no answer.

"C'mon, answer me." He urged.

"I'm annoyed by you." You finally said, "You are always bothering me. Like how you are now."

"Do you know why I'm doing this?" He asked.

"No." You shook your head.

"It's because I want to know more about you. And I want to know more about you because...because...I fell in love with you." He filled you in for a bone-crushing hug.

You stood stunned.

Slowly, his comfortable warmth melted your heart. You slowly lift up your hands and put yourself into the comfortable hug.

How do you think? Nice?

(: Thanks anyway for reading my stories and for the votes, too. Please do keep it up. I will be extra happy if you guve requests ;)


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