Chapter one

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You could hear the screams of the lost souls all around you. There was darkness, fire and despair, nothing else. The demons wanted to create nothing but pain and agony. Most souls lost in hell hated every second of every day. Over all the screams of pain, you could hear a female voice calling out for her little brother.


"Dean, can you hear me?"

She had looked for him from the moment she heard he had arrived in the place she had been for far too long. The fire pit of anguish had almost become her home over the years. She knew every corner of every room, where every demon had their layouts and where she could go for assistance.

"Psst" she tried to get the attention of a demon named Carson. "Psst, hey, Carson".

He turned around from the woman he was torturing, and a smile formed on his lips.

"Heyy, what brings you here? Last I heard, Pan had you locked up pretty tight".

"Yeah, well, you know Pan can't hold me for long" she smiled at the demon she had begun to think of as her friend. "Anyway, you know where they are holding my brother?"

"I see, that's why you broke loose" Carson pretended to think, before answering the desperate girl's question, "Last I heard, he's being locked up with Alastair".

"Fuck, Alastair? Dammit... well wish me luck I guess" she turned around and ducked around a corner, knowing Pan's posse would be looking for her.

She tiptoed entering Alastair's little dent, having all senses sharpened and ready to fight the nasty demon if she had to. As she entered the room, she could see the outline of a man hanging with hooks pierced through his skin. It had to be her brother. «Hey, you awake? » she asked as she shook the man hanging in front of her. It had been years since she last saw her brothers, but she was sure this was Dean hanging before her. Dean started to wake as the girl carefully shook him, making sure she did not hurt him anymore.

"Millie? Is that you?" Dean's hoarse voice said as he opened his eyes.

"The one and only, brother" she couldn't help but smile. After all these years she finally saw her brother again. She was sad knowing they were in hell, but at least she wasn't alone anymore. «Just relax, I'll get you out of these ugly hooks», Millie knew her way around the different torturing devices in hell, so getting Dean off the hooks was no problem.

As soon as Dean managed to stand up on his own two feet, he went over to Millie and gave her a bone crushing hug, which Millie gladly returned.

"Millie, is it really you? You're not a demon?"

"It's really me, Dean. I'm still me".

"But how? I don't understand..." Dean knew how her big sister had died, but he didn't understand why she was in hell, she should've been in heaven, if there was such a place.

"Yeah, well it came to a shock for me too, when I got dragged down here, but that's not important right now. We need to get into hiding before Alastair comes back from his little coffee break".

Dean followed Millie as they went into hiding.

"Is it even possible to get out of here?" Dean looked at his sister, still in shock after she came to his rescue.

"I dunno, the only way I know of, is the devils gate".

"Like when dad climbed out?"

"Yes, exactly like when dad climbed out".

"You knew dad was down here"

"Yeah, we met" Millie gave her little brother a smile.

"Wait, do you hear that?"

Millie Winchester - CastielWhere stories live. Discover now