Chapter twenty four

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A few weeks went by, the three siblings hunting together again and saving lives. They had just taken down a nest of vampires and were now on their way to another hunt. The music blaring through the impala as they drove, Dean in the driver seat, Millie in the passenger seat in front and Sam in the back. They were all laughing at some stupid joke Dean said, all three just enjoying being normal siblings for once.

"Millie, I gotta ask" Dean spoke up as the laughter died down.

"Ask what?" Millie eyed her brother.

"What's up with you and Cas?"

"What do you mean?" Millie exclaimed as she started to laugh again.

"Come on! Sam back me a bit here" Dean said, and Sam agreed with their brother.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Millie was still half-laughing at her brothers' assumptions.

"You should have seen him when we found out you were in Hell, especially when we found out you were with Carson" Sam spoke up.

"And when he killed Pan, dude, I've never seen that guy so angry before" Dean added.

"And when you were unconscious, and he sat by your bed for days trying to figure out how to wake you up".

"Ok, ok, ok, I get it. We're friends, ok?" Millie answered her brothers before they could say anything else.

"Yeah, not ok. Give us something here" Dean wanted the details and he wanted to know if his sister was falling in love with their angel friend. Now Sam was snickering from the back seat, happy to see his siblings act like any other siblings out there.

"What do you want me to tell you? That I'm getting something?" Millie asked her brothers, a smile upon her face.

"You're sleeping with him?" Dean asked shocked, acting like an overprotective big brother. In theory Millie was the oldest, but she hadn't aged in the ten years she spent in Hell, so she still looked like she did when she died, while her brothers had aged.

"No, I'm not sleeping with him" Millie laughed alongside Sam at Dean's reaction.

"Do you want to sleep with him?" Sam asked between laughs behind them.


The brothers shared a look before looking over at their sister.

"I don't know, ok, happy?" Millie sighted in defeat.

"We just want you to be happy, Millie" Sam said before Dean could get a say in the matter. "We know he was there for you when Dean was with Lisa and I was a dick, just be careful, you know?"

"Yeah... now can we talk about something else?"

Millie was in the morgue at the local hospital in the town they were hunting in. She was examining the body of the last victim when her phone rang. Sam and Dean had been talking to the victim's family and nothing seemed out of the ordinary there. Millie, however, had discovered that the heart of the victim was missing, and he had cuts all over his upper body. They met back at the motel again, getting ready for their hunt, packing silver bullets and knives, all of them sure that the monster whey was hunting was a werewolf. 

They drove to what they believed to be their house and got out of the car. The house looked run down with a yard filled up with old cars and trash. They went inside the house and split up. Millie took the upstairs as her brothers took the downstairs. After a while she heard a lot of commotion downstairs and she ran towards the sound, where she found her brothers on the floor and a guy standing over Sam, ready to punch him again.

"Hey, douchebag" Millie called before firing her gun, hitting him straight in the forehead. He fell to the floor, dead, as Millie ran over to Sam, checking if he was alright before checking up on Dean.

Her brothers had gotten beaten pretty bad, so Millie was driving as they went back to their motel for the night. When Millie's phone rang, she picked up fast, trying not to wake her brothers, who had fallen asleep.

"Hey, what's up?" Millie answered the phone.

"Hey sunshine, how you doing?" Carson's voice made Millie smile to herself. She missed her friend. They hadn't seen each other since she got captured in Hell.

"I'm good, driving home from a hunt with my brothers, how about you, still in hiding?"

"Yeah, about that... I think they're closing in on me and it won't be pretty when they find me".

"Carson, what are you talking about?"

"Millie, they won't just send me back to Hell for some torturing if they find me. They will kill me".

"Don't say that Carson".

"I just wanted to talk to you one last time, sunshine".


"It's ok, sunshine".

"You are not going to die, Carson, where are you? I'll come help you".

"I know you will if I ask you".

"Then text me your location".

"I'm not putting you in danger again".

"Text me the location Carson", Millie started to push Sam, hoping he would wake up, "Carson just talk to me, ok, where are you?"

Sam woke up confused in the backseat as he heard his sister on the phone sounding worried. Millie mouthed to Sam to trace the call, hoping he understood. Millie put Carson on speaker so Sam could see the number as he typed it in on his computer.

"I'm sorry, sunshine, this is my fight".

"Carson, dammit"

"I just wanted to thank you, for making my miserable eternity a little bit better since the day we met".

"Carson, this is not goodbye".

"I believe it is... goodbye Millie Winchester" and then he hung up.

"Dammit" Millie exclaimed as she punched the steering wheel, which made Dean wake up.

"Did you get it Sam?" Millie asked hopefully.

"Yeah" Sam gave Millie the address before asking "What was that about?" Dean looked very confused as well.

"Carson is in trouble. I could hotwire a car if you won't come, but I have to try and get to him in time"

The brothers looked at each other for a brief moment before Dean spoke up, "We're coming too". 

------------------------------ Authors note ----------------------------------

A little Winchester sibling bonding was long overdue!

And is Carson in trouble?

Love Kat <3

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