Chapter six

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"So, what do you suggest we do once we find this girl? Demons already killed her parents; they will come for her" Mille asked as the trio parked their car outside an abandoned church.

"Honestly, I have no idea" Dean shrugged as he got out of the car to collect his weapons from the trunk.

The siblings looked at each other before walking inside the old church, ready to face whatever was waiting for them. After wandering the church, a red headed girl was found, scared out of her mind. The girl, Anna, was hearing the talk of the angels, or "tuned into the angel-radio" as Dean phrased it so nicely. She was quick to trust the Winchesters, having heard everything the angels had said about the siblings the last few weeks. A loud crack was heard as demons entered the church, ready to get their hands on Anna.

"Ahh I heard rumors I would find you here, Miss Winchester" the sickening voice of Alistair filled the room, and by the look on the two eldest Winchester's, they recognized it all to well. The demon entered the room, as the Winchesters stepped in front of Anna, knowing they were first and foremost here for her.

"Millie, Millie, Millie, how I've missed you downstairs" Alistair smiled a smile even the devil would feel the chills run up his spine.

"I wish I could say the same" Millie remarked.

"And I wish I could say I believed you, but I bet you actually miss it" Alistair might have been right, but Millie would never admit that in front of her brothers, "Now, give me the girl, so I can get out of this dentist and get back home".

"No" Dean spoke up as he launched forward to attack Alistair. Dean hated Alistair almost as much as Millie, and he wanted to hurt him, make him feel just a fraction of the pain he had inflicted upon Dean and Millie. But with each blow to the face, Alistair just laughed more.

"Come on Dean, I taught you better than this" Alistair exclaimed, blood running down his face. Getting tired of the games, Alistair threw Dean to a wall before he was about to attack Millie, however, Sam stepped in front of her. "Millie, get Dean and Anna out of here, I got it" Sam sounded so sure of himself, that Millie obeyed her little brother, not understanding how Sam could take on Alistair by himself.

To Millie's surprise, after dragging an unconscious Dean after her out the church, Sam walked out without even a scratch on him. As Millie were about to question him about it, Dean started to stir awake in the backseat of the Impala. Millie gave Sam a look, to tell him "this isn't over", before she walked over to her other brother to check on him.

Dean, Sam, Millie and Anna was hiding out in an old, abandoned barn, hoping for their plan to work out as they wanted. Ruby had come to them with a helping hand, much to Dean's dismay. Ruby was a demon Sam had befriended in Dean's absence. As she had said, she was a demon who still remembered what it was like to be human, and she was here because she wanted to help stop the apocalypse. So, they had planned, to bring both the angels and demons together, having them fight each other, and maybe, Anna would get the chance to flee during all the commotion. Ruby had left to bring the demons here and the others waited patiently for the angels to show up. Suddenly, a flutter sound filled the abandoned barn and in front of them stood Uriel. Uriel was an angel, someone who worked wit Castiel to help the Winchesters to stop the apocalypse. However, he was as devoted to God's plan as you could get, and he saw every human being as a hairless ape and nothing more.

"Bring me the girl" he stated with a strong voice which filled the room.

"I don't think so, where is Cas?" Dean questioned. At this, Uriel locked eyes with Millie.

"Castiel is on a time-out. You see, he actually likes you" his eyes were still locked with Millie's in an intensive stare, and Dean noted to himself to ask his sister about this later.

"Now bring me the girl", as Uriel spoke again, another flutter-sound filled the barn, and Castiel appeared next to Uriel. "Castiel" Uriel acknowledged his brothers presence, but didn't take his eyes of the Winchesters.

"Uriel" Cas spoke before taking two steps forward, now standing between Uriel and the Winchesters.

"Millie, where is Anna?" Castiel locked eyes with the oldest Winchester, hoping she would give him an answer.

"We will not give her up, Castiel, that's not how we do things" she spoke with a stern voice.

"You will risk your lives, you will risk your brother's life, in saving this girl?" Cas looked confused at the girl, not understanding her logic at all. This was her brothers they were talking about in comparison to one girl they didn't even know.

"Yes Castiel. We hunt monsters and save people from them. And if you choose to be the monster we'll have to fight, so then be it. We'll all go down fighting" Millie was clear in her statement, and there was no sign of her being afraid or not meaning what she had just said.

A loud bang was heard from the other side of the barn, the double doors flew open, and in walked four demons, one of them being Ruby. She had managed to lure the demons here right on time. As soon as the demons stopped, Ruby ran to take her place next to Sam.

"No way!" a way to familiar voice echoed in the room, "Millie fucking Winchester! I wondered where you had gone" Millie locked eyes with one of the demons and a smile erupting on her face. She couldn't help it but let out a chuckle. At this, everyone looked at her with strange looks.

"Carson, I thought I never see you leave Hell".

"Well, I had to come see this, and well, I have to say, I missed you down there".

"Excuse me, but who the hell is this?" Dean sounded angry, first his brother and now his sister was friends with demons too?

"It doesn't matter, bring us the girl, now!" Uriel yelled out, turning the attention to him.

"Oh no, bring us the girl" one of the demons spoke, and first now, Millie saw it was Alastair who stood in the middle of the demons. Carson stood on this right side, and another one stood on the left side, all ready to fight.

"Carson, walk away from this fight" Millie tried to talk her friend out of this one, not wanting the angels to kill him, because she knew they would. Caron hesitated for a while, before his black smoke left the body of his host, making the body fall lifelessly to the ground.

Millie was fast to push her brothers to the side as a two-on-two fight erupted between the angels and the demons. As the Winchesters was staying out of the fight, Castiel was fast to take down the no-name demon, killing him in an instant, as Uriel was fist fighting with Alastair.

When Castiel had his attention focused on the Winchesters, to see if they were ok. Anna sprung out of her hiding place, having noticed the light blue vial hanging from Uriel's neck. She grabbed the vial and threw it on the floor underneath her, making he glass break and letting the blue grace fill her up.

They all stared at Anna in awe as her wings spread across the room, making her the angel she was supposed to be. Alastair was fast to disappear, and so was Uriel.

Anna turned to Castiel, "Castiel, it's good to see you again".

"Anna" Castiel looked almost speechless.

"I see you're still following orders like a lost puppy".

Castiel looked to the ground, just like a child being scolded by an adult after doing something wrong. Anna turned to the Winchesters and Ruby, "Thank you all, I appreciate what you did for me" and with that, she was gone, and so was Castiel. 

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