1. The Letters and the Average Day

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Dear Yoongi,

I don't know what to say... Hi? Um, let me start this by saying why I'm writing this: I'm in love with you. I know, I know, you're my best friend, but I can't stop my heart from doing this weird thing when you're around. It's like- a heart attack- but in a good way. Wow, I'm bad with words. I guess I should start with when I first saw you. It was like no feeling I've ever felt before. You were so handsome, still are, but at that moment, it was only you. I loved the way you looked so mean, but you were actually one of the softest people I've ever met. I just love that you care about me and want what's best for me. You care for others, even if you won't admit it. You're such a beautiful soul... I love you, Min Yoongi. I'm just glad you'll never get your hands on this letter. Well, thanks for reading (get it? Cause you're not actually ever going to read this?), I'll see you later, when I'll still be in love and you'll be oblivious.



Dear Jimin...

I'm in love with you. I know I really shouldn't be, but I can't help it. I want to see you follow your passions, want to see you smile, want to hear that you feel the same way. You're so beautiful, inside and out, though you have different ways of showing it. I want to know how your day was, want you to be happy and, most importantly, I want to feel your love. And no, I don't just mean in platonic ways, I mean in romantic ways too. I don't know... you're just so amazing, but it's not like you'll ever feel the same way. Anyways, I'll see you later... maybe...



Dear Jungkook,

Why, why, why? Why did I fall for you, of all people. You're literally never nice to me, always try to embarrass me, and you constantly pick on me. But something about you is so endearing. The way you stop in the middle of the sidewalk to pick a dandelion, or how you fall asleep in the library after, what I assume is, too much studying. I can tell you try hard, even though the outcome isn't what you want. I literally hate that I want to see you happy and loved, though you give me the complete opposite. I love you.



Dear Seokjin,

This is sooo, random. Literally one of the last people I thought I'd fall in love with. But yes, I have fallen in love with the student teacher of my third period. There's something about the way you present yourself, the way you care for everyone, and how you talk so vividly about your passions. You'd think this is just some student-teacher crush, but I can't seem to get you out of my head, can't help the way my heart beats whenever you're around. Um, I don't know... I guess I'll see you later... thanks for not reading, lol.



Dear Taehyung,

Dude, what the hell? Why am I in love with you? I barely know you! Ugh. Maybe it's the way you look at me, or how passionate you are about your music. Maybe it's your shyness, or how you sometimes laugh with your eyes closed. I don't know. What I do know is I want you to be happy, want to see you laugh, want to know your favorite food. You confuse me... but that's also something that I like about you. You're so cool, too. Never a big talker, but you convey your emotions so well. Expressionless but your eyes swirl with emotions. I wish I knew you better. Maybe I will someday, but today's not the day, and you won't read this letter, so maybe we never will.

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