5. Don't

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Opening the doors to the locker room, you walk to your gym locker and sigh, sliding the lock off and opening it.

     "Hey, Y/N! What's going on?" Holly asks, seeing you run off earlier.

     "What do you mean?" You ask, not turning around.

     "I saw you earlier... running off, then a swarm of guys following."

    You don't answer for a second, just listen to the squeaking of shoes against the gym floor right outside the locker room.

"Holly," you pause, turning around slowly, tears brimming in your eyes, "can I tell you a secret?"

      And so you let another person, who you're not even the closest to, into your secret world of crushes, and exactly what happened today and why you're on the verge of tears.

     "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry," she frowns, hugging you close. "Would a fat dub make you feel better?"

     You laugh a little, sniffling.

     "I think it would," you nod making a face of gratitude.

     "Okay, well then, get your gear on and get your sexy ass out there so we can win."

     "Wait a minute, I thought I was Captain?"

     She shakes her head, playfully jabbing at your ribs. "Let's go practice."

     You nod, "okay, let me change real quick."

     And so you do, Holly staying with you so she can distract you from what lingers in your head.

     "Ready?" She asks, taking hold of your hand and squeezing it.

     "Mhm," you hum, trying to smile.

    "Then let's get out there!" She drags you into the gym, everyone on the team greeting you cheerfully.

     "Okay, ladies, what are going to do today?!"

     Everyone huddles around you, "win!"

"Nah, nah, I can't hear y'all! What are we going to do?"

"Win!" They shout out, causing a smile to tug at your lips.

"Alright, alright, then let's get to practicing."

You turn to the team manager, Cali, asking her to log down what she needs to, specifically for game days.

"6 o'clock start, stop at 7:00. Pick up at 7:30 for pre-game practice, game starts no later than 8:00. Sound good?"

Cali nods, giving you a thumbs up.

"Okay ladies, get on the court and let's see if you're really ready."

When the clock strikes 7:30, the stands are packed in the huge performance gym at your school.

You help Cali set a stack of towels down in the visitor locker room, plucking one of the towels off the pile and wiping your forehead of sweat.

"That should be it, right?" You ask, turning to the girl you had been working with.

"Yep! Stands are packed, visitor's side is stocked full of everything they need, all we need is their team!"

You hear girls chatting, the opposing team coming into their locker room.

You smile to each of them, the team doing everything but returning it.

"And so then I told Hoseok, 'of course I'd date you. I'd be stupid to say no!'" A girl you know as their team captain, Jess, comes walking in next to another girl.

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