2. Tongue Tied

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"Mom? Dad? Hwinjae?" You call out to the empty house.

Usually at least one person is home when you wake up, but today seems... off.

You shrug, closing your bedroom door and grabbing a pair of jeans and way too large sweatshirt out of your closet, most likely belonging to your dad, somehow ending up in your closet.

You go through your morning routine, slipping your clothes on and styling your hair.

After hyping yourself up, you deem yourself ready, walking over to the pantry and grabbing your car keys off the hook that it hangs on in there.

Sighing, you exit your house and lock the door behind you, taking a sip from your water bottle and stuffing it back into your backpack.

The drive to school was agonizingly slow, and it just made you more nervous to face everyone.

"Another day, except no dollar."

You park your car and get out, grabbing your backpack before walking into the central building of your school.

As you walk through the doors, you notice a few people looking your way and whispering, some laughing, but you just shake your head and continue on, all the way to your first period. Athletics, or, for you, volleyball.

You walk into the locker room, immediately changing into your uniform, shuffling out of the room and into the main gym.

There are four courts in one gym at your school, all athletics practicing on one, except for football, who starts off in the gym and then goes outside after attendance.

"Hey, Y/N," your teammates greet you, all sending smiles your way. They were the ones to cheer you up at practice, of course after eighth period, yesterday.

"Hey, guys! Ready to win the game tonight?"

"We are if you are, Captain!" Holly says.

"Alright, let's get to practicing!"

All throughout practice, you keep glancing over to the other sides of the the gym, wondering where Hoseok and Yoongi are.

Maybe you missed them or something.

After first period ends, you scurry off to your locker, throwing a few things in and taking a few things out.

It's totally weird.

Usually, Yoongi walks with you from Athletics to your locker, and then to English, but you haven't seen him at all yet.

Not that you want to see him after yesterday.

You want to just act like nothing happened, but he's supposed to be your best friend. Why didn't he stick up for you?

You're thinking too much, and time escapes from you. Soon, the bell that warns you that you only have half the passing period left rings.

You sprint to your second period, making it in time with a minute and a half to spare.

You go to sit down, but see something's on your desk.

As your about to walk up to it, you hear someone calling your name.

You don't turn around, but know a beautiful Hoseok is standing a foot away from you.

You feel resentment bubble up in your throat.

"Not now."

You walk closer to your desk, your eyes studying the box.

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