can't stop kissing my girlfriend prank

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The brush of your lips against her cheek caused an adorable giggle to fall from Seeun's lips.

She'd been curled up in bed beside you, scrolling through her phone as you watch a movie together.

She felt stressed after a long and busy day and you could see that she was only feeling slightly better with her favorite movie playing.

You were determined to change that.

And with one sweet kiss on her cheek, she was already starting to smile.

It's the first one you've seen on her face since she got home a little while ago.

You hovered over her and started to pepper kisses across her face, making sure every inch of her soft skin was lovingly kissed.

"What's with all the kisses?" She giggled as she tilted her head back as you kissed her jaw, throat, and neck. "What did I do to deserve them all?"

"Exist." You smiled against her neck. "I just love you, Seeun. I love seeing you smile."

She giggled and wrapped her arms around you, her hand moving up and down your back as you continued to kiss every inch of her skin.

You kissed her chest, her stomach, and her sides.

"I love you," she giggled.

"I love you too, sweet girl." You said as you kissed her hips then her thighs, and then her legs before moving up to kiss her hands and arms.

"Thank you for all the sweet kisses." She smiled as you put your lips back on hers.

"Oh, I'm not done yet." You spoke against her lips. "Your skin is so soft, your lips are so kissable. I can't get enough of you. I can't stop kissing you, baby."

"I don't ever want you to." She said and closed her eyes, smiling from ear to ear as you kissed along her jaw again, a blissful rush coming over her.

"Then I won't." You whispered softly as you brushed the tips of your fingers across her soft skin, so in love with her that you couldn't even express it.

Seeun Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now