stresses (requested)

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College! AU
"Hey, my love. How are you?" You asked Seeun as you walked up behind her, kissing her shoulder lovingly.

She was sitting at her desk with books and papers everywhere. She had one particular page open and she was trying so hard to stay focused as she tried to soak in all the information like a little sponge.

She chewed on the cap of her pen as you put your hands on her shoulders.

She felt so tense and you know it's because she's so stressed and so exhausted from all the things that being in college brings along.

"I'm okay." She said before yawning, shaking her head after she finished.

"Have you eaten today?"

She shook her head, mumbling that she had too much to do to be able to get up and cook.

She couldn't afford any distractions right now, preparing a meal, even a quick one, included.

"Are you hungry?" You asked and she wordlessly shrugged her shoulders. "Babe, you have to eat something."

"Fine, fine." She sighed and tangled her fingers in her hair before turning to look at you. "I love you so much and I appreciate you caring so much about me but I have to stay focused. I'll eat and, later, tell me about your day at work. But I have to do this right now."

"Okay, babe. I'll find something for you and give you some peace and quiet until I return."

She nodded and pecked your lips before turning back to focus on her work.

She didn't want to snap at you, although she felt she might be close to doing so. She's trying to keep calm but she's so overwhelmed that staying calm feels almost impossible.

She continued to flip through pages and study and so everything she was supposed to do. But she's been stuck at this desk for hours, putting herself under so much pressure to stay focused that her brain felt like it was melting.

She couldn't seem to absorb any information.

Everything she was reading and doing wasn't registering in her brain any longer.

And seeing how much she still had to get done was overwhelming and frustrating her.

Suddenly, she pushed everything on her desk off, the books and pens and papers falling all over the floor.

The sound startled you and you rushed back upstairs, finding Seeun with her head on her desk and her fingers tangled in her hair.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed out."

"Shh." You rubbed her shoulders as she sniffled.

"There's so much I have to get done and I'm so overwhelmed. I knew college would be hard and I know I'm passionate about what I'm studying for but I'm so stressed out that I feel like my brain is melting."

"You need to take a break, sweet girl." You said as you continued to rub her shoulders comfortingly.

"I know a lot is going on. Trust me, I do. But you're not taking care of yourself. You need to eat and get a little rest. Take a step back for a bit and you'll feel fine again."

She turned to look at you for a moment before she slowly got up and leaned against you.

Wrapping her arms around you, she buried her face in your neck and sighed heavily.

"I know, you're right."

"Everything will be okay, Seeun. I promise. I know it feels tough but it'll be worth it soon when you graduate and get to live out your dream job."

"I'm excited for that day to come." She smiled as she pulled her face from your neck, staring up at you.

"I'm excited for that day too. You're so smart, my love. You wouldn't have gotten into this college if you weren't. So don't think you're not capable or anything like that. You need to take the rest of the day to yourself and rest. Eat some dinner, curl up with me. Everything will be fine. You'll be ready to study more in the morning."

She nodded and kissed your lips sweetly before smiling at you.

"Can we get takeout?"

"Sure. I didn't feel like cooking in the first place."

She giggled and you had her curl up in bed. You tucked her in and cleaned up her stuff as you called her favorite place and ordered some food.

"It'll be here in a few minutes." You said as you laid beside her. "You can rest until then if you want."

She closed her tired eyes as you stroked her cheek, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"I love you so much. Thank you for being here for me and taking care of me."

"Anytime, my love." You promised, kissing her cheek. "I love you too; so, so much."

Seeun Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now