when fans catch you making out (requested)

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You couldn't help but smile as Seeun kissed your neck softly.

As you breathed in, the salty air filled your lungs.

The sound of the waves crashing on the shore helped heighten the contentedness that you felt.

The sun was down, the moon was out, and it all helped to make your night out with Seeun even more perfect and romantic.

She was hovering over you as you laid on a blanket over the sand.

You decided to spend some time at the beach tonight, where you swam in the cool water and then curled up on the blanket to watch the stars and relax together.

You were a little hesitant to let her continue kissing your neck but it was so hard to resist because you felt so content and her sweet, soft kisses were only making you feel better.

You kept your eyes closed and put your head back a little, not even worried about any sand getting into it.

But the second you felt her fingers brushing against your thigh, you opened your eyes and took her hands into yours, shaking your head.

"Seeun," you chuckled. "People could be around."

She looked around and didn't see anyone before she looked back at you with a smirk and a gleam in her eyes.

"I don't see anyone."

Before you could say anything to protest, she put her lips on yours once more and began to passionately make out with you, and before you knew it all you could think about was her.

Every other thought faded from your mind, only thoughts about how sweet and how perfect your girlfriend is wandered through your brain.

How much you love her touches and her kisses and how lucky you are to be able to love and be loved by her.

That was all you could think about.

You put your arms around her neck and pulled her closer and when she began to caress your thigh a moment later, you didn't push her hand away like before.

In fact, you craved her touch.

You adored it.

She pulled away from your lips to kiss your neck once more, leaving a couple of love bites across your soft skin as she continued to give you kisses and make you feel so loved as you lay on the sand together.

You put your head back and hummed happily, your heart beating a little faster as she kissed your collarbones.

"Seeun," you whispered, making her pull away and look at you. "Kiss me again. Now, please."

You couldn't explain it. You just needed to feel her lips on yours at the moment.

But something pulled you out of that cloud of bliss that you had been in.

The sound of laughter and voices getting closer and closer.

Seeun was too busy kissing your jaw to notice, as you'd pulled away from her lips when you heard them and she wasn't ready to stop kissing you.


She hummed against your jaw, making you let out a soft sigh.

Before you could say anything, you heard a couple of excited screams come from nearby.

You and Seeun both pulled away and looked at where the sound was coming from.

You saw two young girls standing nearby, looking shocked but oh so happy as they looked at your girlfriend.


They were fans.

This only made you both panic more.

"I told you this wasn't a good idea. Now, something might happen. What if they've taken photos or videos of us? What if our relationship gets leaked?" You whispered as you stared at her with big eyes full of worry.

You weren't mad, you were scared.

You know some fans know no limits and you feared that since they recognize Seeun, they might've taken photos or videos of the two of you and spread them online.

"Hi," Seeun waved with a big smile on her face.

"We're such big fans!" One of them said.

"Oh, that's so sweet!" Seeun chuckled.

"Are you on a date or something?"

Seeun was hesitant to answer that. Though these girls seemed sweet, she worried they might somehow leak her answer if she says the wrong thing.

"Uh," She started to say as she nervously tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"You are! That's so cute!" The other excitedly said. "You look so happy!"

"Thank you." She said. "If you could please not tell anyone about this, I'd appreciate it a lot. We're not ready to be public. I'll take some photos or something with you if that would help."

"What? You don't have to do that. We won't tell, we swear!"

"Seriously?" Seeun asked.

The girls nodded happily.

"Yeah. We love you, and the other StayC girls. We wouldn't ever disrespect you or invade your privacy like that. If you want to keep your relationship private, we won't tell anyone."

"Our secret?" Seeun grinned and the fans nodded.

"Of course. We want you to be happy, that's all. We'd never want to ruin that."

"You're both so kind. Thank you so much. You don't even know how much it means to me."

"You're welcome, Seeun. You deserve to be happy. We love you and always remember we're always rooting for you!"

Seeun's heart fluttered.

They were being so kind and so respectful and to know that there were fans out there who only wanted her to be happy and wouldn't ever spill your secret relationship meant everything to her.

"We won't keep you, since you're out on a date. But we hope to see you soon! We love you!"

They walked away, shrieking excitedly about how they couldn't believe they'd spoken to her and saw her so close.

And you and Seeun couldn't stop yourselves from smiling until they were gone as you listened to them talk about their love for Seeun and StayC and how happy they were for her finally finding someone she loves so much.

"I'm happy we have such good fans."

"You do." You smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too." You said before kissing her again, happy with how wonderfully the night has turned out.

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