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"Honestly, I don't mind that this is going to rip me a new asshole, this is actually delicious, Harry" Louis hummed pleasantly.

"I thought you didn't doubt Harry's cooking abilities" Lottie probed.

"of course, I didn't. Okay, maybe a little. Sorry, Love" Louis pleaded with apologetic eyes to Harry.

"it's okay, love. Apology accepted" Harry bite his lip to stop him from kissing Louis.

"when's the wedding, or do you guys plan on just giving each other heart eyes until your 6 feet under" Gemma teased, turning to see Lottie deflated at the subject of marriage.

"well, I guess Harry has to propose first" Louis nervously shared.

"he already has" Lottie chimed in.

"at my wedding" Gemma reminded.

"well, yes and no. I did propose but I didn't have a ring, so it's an invalid proposal" Harry informed.

"besides, I wasn't going hijack your wedding" Harry chuckled.

"Dad literally thinks you're engaged" Gemma's jaw dropped.

"does he know it's to your gay wedding planner" Harry tried not to let his horror show.

"yes, actually. Louis has met dad" Gemma informed.

"only formally and briefly" Louis corrected.

"not like as your boyfriend" Louis meekly added, wincing at the unnecessary detail.

"what's wrong, are you embarrassed" Gemma raised a brow.

"no, relieved more than anything. I don't come out to him" Harry relaxed into the dining chair.

"He said he knew all along" Gemma chuckled.

"what, that's bullshit. I didn't even know until I was in college" Harry emphasised.

"Heck, Harry, I knew" Gemma crossed her arms sternly.

"okay then, what gave you the idea that I was gay all along" Harry confidently sat back on his chair expecting Gemma to choke.

"you attended every concert with me, including all the boy bands" Gemma cockily shared.

"doesn't count, I literally want to be a musician" Harry quickly discredited,

"okay, even though you had all their memorabilia on your bedroom walls" Gemma teased.

"psh, they make catchy music. They are simply just idols" Harry dismissed.

"Okay, I have a good one, you probably don't remember this but in kindergarten, you asked your best friend to marry you because you loved him very much" Gemma bit her lip proud of her victory.

"please, I was just a little kid, I didn't even know what marriage really was" Harry scoffed.

"wait, Louis that literally happened to you" Lottie's eyes widened.

"wait, what did" Harry's brows furrowed.

"I vaguely remembered only because it traumatised me forever, but I recall my kindergarten friend proposing to me and me telling Mum and Dad I was going to marry a boy, which is when I knew I was gay" Louis chuckled.

"see, Gemma. it's obviously a very common experience" Harry detested.

"that only proves my evidence that you were always gay" Gemma rolled her eyes.

"whatever, I suppose" Harry pushed back his chair, and collected everyone's empty plates.

"how crazy would it be if they were each other's best friend" Lottie cackled.

"fat chance, UK is a big place littered with gays" Louis chuckled.

"where did you grow up?" Gemma asked.

"Doncaster" Lottie answered.

"for most of life, Donny" Louis recalled.

"We did move when I was young because on the incident" Louis inhaled tensely.

"do you remember where you lived at a toddler?" Gemma eagerly inquired.

"that's a big ask, trying to recall my childhood. I've done so well at erasing every part of it" Louis snorted. Harry waltzed back into the room.

"Harry, what ever happened to your best friend?" Gemma asked.

"Dunno, moved I guess, don't remember him in primary or high school" Harry shrugged.

"was it Cheshire?" Gemma beamed excitedly to Louis.

"I literally couldn't tell you" Louis stunned.

"we have to find your class photo!" Gemma recalled.

"tiny problem there, Gem. They are in the UK" Harry announced annoyed.

"I'll just give Dad a call, I bet he'll be able to find it right away. He is always looking through photos since mum passed" Gemma was already getting her phone out, a calling their Dad. Only for it to ring out.

"hmm, he's probably asleep, I'll send him a text" Gemma speedily types away the message.

"do keep me updated, this is so exciting" Lottie shined with enthusiasm, which was nice in the change of mood.

"you guys are going to be so disappointed" Harry slumped his chin into his palm defeated.

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