Outcasts (2)

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The first thing Lizzie was aware of was the prickly feeling of grass under her. And it took her a moment to remember that the last place she had been on was the roof of a random building.

And this was most definitely not that.

The nine year old opened her eyes slowly as she felt the ground under her. Lizzie looked around, noticing that it was dark out.

Lizzie looked to her right and paused.

Next to her was a building that looked like a tornado had gone through it.

She could see broken glass scattered across the ground as well as wood that had previously been a part of the building.

The young girl slowly got to her feet, swaying slightly as the pain as her injuries overwhelmed her for a moment.

Lizzie paused on her knees, taking a deep breath.

She had to push past the pain, there was no other choice. Lizzie clenched her hands into fists and forced herself to stand.

Her legs shook slightly with the effort but she managed.

She wasn't stupid, she knew from experience that the day after the beating was always the worst. And she knew it couldn't have been good that she inhaled that much smoke.

Her chest ached with each breath.

But Lizzie wasn't sure if it was because something was broken or just because of the smoke.

When Lizzie looked around her, she realized with growing fear that her bag was missing.

That bag was her only chance at survival yet it was nowhere to be found.

It had to be around here somewhere? Wherever here was.

And at that moment, Lizzie was hit with the realization that she was somehow in a completely unknown place without anything for her protection.


Lizzie flinched in surprise and turned to look directly at the building.

What was that? Her body had gone completely tense.

If there was somebody in the building, there was no way Lizzie could outrun them.

Then, Lizzie thought back to everything that happened - the energy - the magic? She may not be able to outrun who or what was there but maybe she could hurt them?

Slowly, she walked closer, wincing as she stepped on glass. The sound from inside the building stopped.

The urge to run the other way was stronger now, but she fought it. Entering the building, her eyes caught on the fire a short distance away from her.

"Now what do we have here?"

Lizzie turned with a gasp to see a man a few feet away from her. He had dark brown hair and was wearing a suit. There was dried blood on his face and the suit.

There was something familiar about him. Not his looks from what she could tell. She had never seen him before in her life. But there was something that she recognized.

Swallowing, she straightened. "What is this place?" Lizzie asked, staring up at the man fiercely.

"You're a confident one, aren't you?" He said, walking closer, making her back away. He looked amused by the retreat.

"Why don't you answer the question, jackass?" Lizzie said, neck straining as she had to look up further the closer he got.

"Also, have a mouth on you," He said, amused. He chuckled to himself, then clapped his hands, making her wince. "To answer your much desired question, I don't know."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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