Outburst (1)

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In the dead of night, a man crept into the hospital. As he entered, he pulled his cap further down on his head. He kept moving forward as he avoided the nurses and doctors walking the floor.

He made his way to the elevator and entered, clicking a button for the floor he wanted to go to. When it opened back up, he stepped out.

He walked down the hallway to the very last room.

He looked in, noting the sleeping blonde vampire and human that was resting in the chair beside the bed.

He ignored them and focused on where two babies laid.

He walked over and looked down at the newborns.

He pulled out his phone to check which baby he was supposed to take, keeping an eye on the sleeping parents.

He looked back down, noting little anklets with their names on them. The one on the right said 'Josette', which meant the other baby was 'Elizabeth'.

He looked at the sleeping baby and gently picked her up.

He didn't spare a backward glance as he left the room. When he made it out of the hospital, he went to his car, staying very aware of his surroundings.

When he got to the car, he put the newborn in the baby carrier. Then, he got in and started driving. It thankfully wasn't long before he reached the witch's house.

He got out and grabbed the baby carrier with the sleeping baby in it.

The witch was waiting for him on her doorstep as he approached.

"You got the correct one?" She asked, sharply.

"Elizabeth, yes," The man replied.

"Come," She said, motioning for him to follow her.

They entered the house and she motioned for him to put the baby in the center of the salt circle. He stepped back as she began to light the candles.

"What is your name?" The woman asked, glancing at him.

"Carlos," The man answered, feeling uneasy as he watched the woman work. "What's yours?"

"Matilda," Was her simple reply.

"What are you doing if I may ask?" Carlos wondered. He had kidnapped the baby because of the money he would get from her but that didn't mean he didn't have morals.

He had a child of his own at home and he was just trying to pay the bills to keep them alive but he was struggling to leave his heart out of this job.

He was a hired hand that was also a triggered werewolf, so he knew all about the supernatural community, and he was well aware that witches were a tricky bunch.

"I'm putting a cloaking spell on her, so we may not be interrupted by pesky vampires that wish to save her. Then I will kill her," Matilda said as if she was talking about the weather.

Carlos froze. "You're going to kill her?" He asked in shock.

Matilda rolled her eyes. "Yes, do you have a problem with that?" She asked, coldly.

"Can I know why?" Carlos asked, staring in horror.

"Because she is an abomination and is a Gemini twin. She and her twin cannot be allowed to merge. A siphon witch Gemini Coven Leader can not be allowed, so one must die," Was her simple reasoning.

"But why this one and not the other?" Carlos wondered, hand slowly going to the gun in his jacket.

"This one is unstable like her biological uncle, while the other is normal, well except for being an abomination," Matilda said, then she closed her eyes and performed the cloaking spell.

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