Bonus chapter

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The annual house party has become one of my favourite nights of the year. My friends come, friends of friends, even men eligible for marriage attend the party. Growing up in the mafia world my father chooses my husband yet that tradition will well and truly be broken. My father will never force me to marry a man I did not love. So on nights like this I enjoy the attention but the possibility of marriage is never on my mind, allowing me to be a care free teenager.

I walk through the house barefoot, my dress to the floor covering my feet yet my height really isn't appealing. I make my way down the stairs and stand in the dining room door way.

"Brother must you gamble it is terrible habit  and you are awfully unlucky" I tease taking in the game of poker on the table.

"Leave this game to the men sister" Nico teases back causing me to roll my eyes.

"Men, your barely 18" i snigger walking through the halls towards the kitchen where the life of the party tends to be.

"I'm telling you. You have absolute cat in hells chance of taking her home" uncle Elio joked to Luka, another one of my many none blood related uncles.

"And who has caught our eye tonight. The blonde with the perky tits or the red head with the feisty smile." I giggle to the two gentleman in the door way of the kitchen.

"None of your concern" my father ushers me away from the men as he leads me into the kitchen towards where my mother is stood.

"Glad of you to join us tonight Avani" my mother teases looking at the clock referring to how late I am to tonight's party.

"Fashionable late that's all mother"

"Oh please I'm your mom less of the mother crap. Your grandparents are in the other room" she smiles pulling me into a hug. Burying my head into her shoulder the scent of her vanilla shampoo invades my nostrils and i smile knowing it's her scent.

"So what are we drinking ladies." I giggle as aunt Alessia arrived with a bottle of champagne in her hands.

"Always a pleasure sis" my dad excused himself after her dramatic entrance as he takes his seat in the poker room keeping an eye on my brother.

"How's my favourite niece" she pulls me into her arms and smothers me in a little to tight hug.

"I'm your only niece" I laugh pulling away and she shrugs her shoulders handing me the bottle.

"Yeah we'll see, surely not for long." Alessia says eyeing up my mothers bloated stomach.

"I think it's a boy" Lucinda adds from her position on the counter.

"It better be. Being the youngest is been taken away from me, they better not take away being the only girl" I huff as Nico and Benny walk in.

"Cousin no one will ever replace you. Your far too..." my cousin benny begins yet my brother finishes the sentence.

"Spoilt. Arrogant. Annoying. The list goes on really" nico jokes.

"Funny." I roll my eyes walking through the house towards the library hoping for some peace and quiet.

As I walk into the room the door swings open and my body crashes with another. "Oh I'm so sorry" I explain scrambling as I pull away from the body in front of me.

Looking up i crane my neck and realise the solid body in front of me. Belongs to resident it boy at my school and son of investor in my fathers company.

The Delgaros have been linked with my family for years. Knowing the secret of our gangster lifestyle, they invest in our company's and we do their dirty work, sort of like a I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine deal. The difference between our families is there's is squeaky clean, yet my families dirt runs deeper than just bloody hands.

"Avani always a pleasure" he jokes helping me steady myself.

"Thanks Ryan." I smile, forcefully may I add, back at time. "If you'll excuse me" I say brushing past him into the library.

I hear the door shut behind me, yet the unwanted footsteps cause my head to begin to throb.

"So supposedly your favorite event of the year is tonight and your hiding away with a bunch of books. Very unsociable of you Vani" his nickname for me rolls of his tongue and sends shivers down my spin.

"What where you doing in here anyway. Lurking in the shadows" I question as I spin around feeling the heat of the fireplace on my back.

"How about we keep it hush I was in here and you answer my question." He asks and i step closer to him causing him to chuckle looking me up and down.

"Where's your little girlfriend tonight." I question running my hand across his front as I walk around his back trialing my finger.

"At home"

"At home. Didn't fancy brining her tonight" I question with a pouted lip. "Shame. You know what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts" I giggle walking around to his front. "Who knows what secrets would have been spilled if she was here tonight. We both know you can't handle your drink very well" I sigh walking towards the couch.

"And we all know alcohol makes you a slut" his words send a burning sensation in my stomach yet I brush them off.

"I thought you like me that way" I giggle crossing my legs as he makes his way across the room.

He bends down in front of me and I lean forward, "Avani, our little summer romance" he begins and j laugh.

"Romance" I question.

"Listful glimpse what we you wish to call it, stays in the past. News of our actions would cause a terrible rift between our families. And we wouldn't want that now would we darling" he takes my chin in his hand as we speak and my mind flicks back to the way his hands felt sculpting my body.

"Got it" he ask and i hum nodding my head.

"Good girl." Standing back up he runs his hands through my hair and i smile looking up at him.

"You really are a work of art Avani" he brushes his finger across my bottom lip, my eyes dart to his as I slowly drag my lip between my teeth.

"So sexy" he says walking away.

"One more time won't hurt" I whisper back. My voice so quiet yet loud enough to hear.

"Always did beg for it didn't you" his eyes flick to my lips as I stand. I walk towards the door as I hear his footsteps follow behind me, as I approach the door, I feel a gentle push and my body collides with the door and the twist of the lock clicks against my ear.

His hands on my waist spin my body will my back is flush with the door as his hands lift me till I am level.

His face comes close to mine as I smell the whiskey and mint on his breath. "Maybe next time love" he drops me as he twist the lock back walking out the door.

I'm stood dumb founded as I hear the door click back shut.

"Prick" I huff walking back to the couch and kick my feet over the edge as I lay across the leather seat.

Authors note:

Hi guess it's been a while hope everyone ok.

Really random but was thinking about how this book ended and how I wish to do a sequel with Avani. This is just a draft but how do we feel about a second book.

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