Walking-in on you in the shower

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"(Y/n), have you seen my --" Dean slowly nods off hearing the beating of the water against the tile.

"What do you need?" You ask poking your head around the shower curtain to see a mischievous face spread across Dean's face. "You" He mumbles kissing you gently. He strips off his shirt revealing his perfectly sculpted torso, it took all the strength you had to not pounce him. Although, he was the one who ended you pouncing you, leaving you both soaking wet.

As you set into your shower, you instantly begin singing as loud as your lungs can carry your voice. You scrub away all the filth from the hunt you just got back from with Sammy. You had almost lost your life this time. You always come face to face with death but end up escaping before anything can happen, but this time was different. The blade even left a thin slit across your throat, not to mention how bruised and damaged the rest of your body is and will be the following day.

"Dear" Sammy's deep voice fills the tiled room and he swings open the shower curtain. "Samuel!" You shout pulling the curtain shut. "I'm so sorry, but I just can't stand to leave you alone right now. Please don't throw me out, just let me sit here and talk to you" He whimpers.

"I don't understand (y/n)! Why are you so ashamed of your body?" Castiel says outside of the shower of which you were in bathing.

"I'm not, it's just that our relationship is new and humans don't just expose our selfs freely love. We also don't appreciate others exposing us while we are showering and trying to relax" You explain with a sigh.

Walk in on you? No, long and interesting stories passed, he's always invited in with you.

Honestly, no matter how much you resist him getting in with you at times, he will just flash himself in there with you.

"Darling have you seen my silk tie with the grey velveteen detail?" You roll your eyes as he bursts into the bathroom whining.

"No, my love, I haven't" You sigh continuing, "and I'm certainly not going to inside the show--" You stop yourself short as you see the drenched tie hanging from the towel rack inside the shower. Your fingers wrap around the tie speechless of how to explain that you ruined his favorite tie. "Darling?" Crowley questions sounding concerned.

"How important am I to you?" You ask throwing him off guard, and with the blink of an eye, he flashes himself into the shower allowing his strong arms to engulf you from behind.

"Is that my tie? Did you intentionally wreck my tie for some idiotic shit you think I've done? Because this is not the way to get me to realize my mistakes dear. This just pisses me off"

"I didn't mean to asshole" You whimper. "well that tie doesn't even compare to you, so I suppose I'll have to drop it if I want to keep the most spectacular person in my life won't I?" He smirks kissing the top of your damp head.

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