One Shot: Samandriel ~ Kate

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Your hands instantly sweep forward to your nose creating a barrier between the God-awful odor of the concrete room. The heels of your shoes clicking echoes throughout. You have your silver knife plastered to you as you turn the corner revealing the shape-shifter you'd been hunting for several days.

He lunges towards you with a rumbling growl to knock you onto your back. The blade slips away clattering a few feet away, leaving you helpless.
The shifters teeth flare in attempt to slaughter you and therefore become you. You knew him, but of-course, he's not phased by it at all.

Wings flutter into the room just as quickly as you see a blinding blue light flash followed by the screech of the shifter.

You slowly open your eyes to see the man you had grown to love so deeply. "Kate, are you injured? Did the shifter hurt you at all? Oh my father, I should have stayed with you-" Your finger meets his plump lips to silence him.

"I am perfectly fine, and even better with you here" You swipe up your blade and into your back pocket of your black skinnies. You brush your fingers through his straggly, brown hair before continuing, "Samandriel, do you love me?" he nods vivaciously yet looking confused.

"Then you will let me handle my own fights love, I appreciate you saving me, but you have to realize you don't have to be here for everything my love. I understand that you have other heavenly business to take care of and I agreed to that when we entered this relationship" You link your arms around his waist allowing your head to lean against his.

"Please don't be mad Kate, I just don't understand human things sometimes, but I'm trying. I really am. I just, I just - I love you Kate" He manages to break out before pressing his lips passionately into yours.

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