Chapter 3

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Scott's pov:
Where is he gone. I'm confused what does he mean that he loves me. My phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID Liam. I'll answer to sort out this mess. "I have Liam if you want him back you have to help me" crap "Meet me outside the bus and I'll tell you what I want you to do" "Ok" I end the call and run to the bus. Garret is leaning against the bus with a big smirk. "Scott you arrived" "let's go to my car" I follow him. He opens the car. I get into the passenger side. " I want you to free my girl friend" "How will I do that" " She's in a security van driving on this road I want you to stop the car and free her. " Ok then will bring me to Liam" "yes I bring you to your lover" he says with his big fat smirk. "He not my lover" "What ever you say". We drive till we see the security van. I get out.Its completely destroyed. I see stiles dad on the ground. I go over to him. "Its still here what attacked the van". The sheriff says. I hear a roar. It's a bezerker. Kate's here or was. Garret starts swing his spear and yells at the bezerker. A bezerker sneaks up behide him and stabs him from the back. He chocks and splutters. The bezerker takes his knife and drops the body of Garret. Crap now I won't know where Liam. I hear a massive roar from Liam. I pin point where he is. I ring stiles and an ambulance to come to the scene. I run off to find Liam. I run for the ten minutes till I see a well.

Liam's pov:
I roar to try get help. I crawl up the wall I don't think I will be able to do it again. I am nearly at the top when I slip but I don't fall because something is stopping me. I look up see Scott in alpha form. He pulls me up. I grab him straight away in to a hug. I cry on to his shoulder. "It's okay now I'm here" he says while he rubs circles on my back.
"You need to go to deaton because Garrett stabbed you with wolf bane on the blade". "Ok". He carries me bridal style. He runs to Deaton's veteran place. He run in. "What wrong with him" "He was stabbed with a wolf bane filled blade and put into a well". "Ok hold him down". Scott puts me down on the surgical table and holds me down witch makes me feel safe with butterfly's. Deaton grabs a scalpel and makes a cut on my chest and brings in down along. I try to trash around. I'm in agony. I see yellow vapour come out of my chest I feel a lot better. The cut seals up stright away. Scott let's go of me. "Thank you deaton". We leave. "I need to know what you were talking about before you ran away" I go red in the face. " I have feelings for you. I am bi for you" "Ok I think I have them aswell" " but you have Kara" "She's a friend to me,she kissed me I don't like her,I like you" I grab Scott into a kiss. I takes him a minute to kiss back. It gets heated. He grabs my ass. We soon regretfully have to brake apart. " I'll bring you home" "So what are we?" " boyfriends" "yes". I give him a small kiss on the lips. We walk to the school . I get on his bike. He hands me a helmet. I grab his waste. I'm not worried at all if I get a boner or not. We sped off. We soon arrived at my house. We climb in threw the window. I get on to the bed. Scott starts to leave. "Stay and cuddle me Im still scared". "Ok". He gets in beside me puts his arms around my waist. I fall asleep with his warm body beside me.

Chapter four soon.

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