Chapter 5

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Liam's Pov
As we walk hand in hand. Every eye turns to look at us.  I don't care what they think because I'm with my mate so everything else is just noise. Scott drops his hand as we have to split to get books from the locker and class . I go over to my locker with Macon hanging beside it. I put in my combination. "So you got him so" "oh yes I'm so happy I can't believe it I was nearly sure he loved kyra but he didn't" "how far you go" "kiss and fall asleep in his arm" "that's so cute " "we need to get to class" "ok". We both head to maths. The first six classes are so boring. Me and Scott don't have the same break so we don't meet up but It's lunch now. I run from the last class to see Scott in the cafeteria. He's there. I run up to him and jump into his arms. He cuddle for a few minutes. We then sit down. "Liam how was your day so far" "so boring I missed you Scotty". "Haha Lim missed you too". We walked hand and hand to the lunch queue,we wait with our hand together everyone is looking our way. Some girls are looking jealously at me because I'm with the hot girl my lover. "I'll have the steak and fries"said Scott to the lunch lady while still holding my hand, I order fried chicken and chips. Scott and I grab two small juice boxes at the juice counter. We walk to our seats. "How you feeling about people judging us Liam" "honesty I don't care, I'm with the man I love so everything else is not a worry" "I feel the same I love you so much". Scott grabs me into a kiss in front of everyone. We hear cat calls. We break a part. I see Stiles, Kyra  and Lydia steering at us in aww. They walk over. "Aww you guys are so cute  when you did you get together" "Last night to be honest" "aww" we sit in silence to eat our lunches. The bell for lunch is over. "Meet you at the car park to bring you home at 4 Limy" "ok Scotty" we separate our hands that have been joined all this time  reluctantly we separate to go to class. Its English literature. The three class go fast and it's now four. I grab my homework books. I head out to the car park to get dropped home by Scotty. I see him at his bike with his helmet on and one in his hands for me. I take it off him. "Ready Liam" Scott says while I'm sitting down with my arms around his waist. "Yes Scott" we drive to my house. We do our homework together in my sitting room. It's takes hours to do it all. It's then 9 pm. We talked a lot during the hours of doing homework. "Liam can I stay the night" "yes babe I love you sure" "ok let's head to bed". We both strip to our boxers and walk up to my bedroom.  We open the bed clothes to get in. "I love you Liam so much" "Me too Scott I love you so much". We grab each other and cuddle we soon fall asleep whispering sweet nothing in to each other's ears.

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