Chapter 6

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Eventually, it was time for Andrew to take Caroline home. So, she said her goodnights to his parents, and he walked her to his truck. Once they were back at Caroline's house, Andrew walked her to the door.

"I wish I didn't have to let you go," Andrew softly said as she turned to face him.

As they wrapped their arms around each other, Caroline stated, "Mm, me too. However, the next dinner will be you meeting my dad."

Andrew kissed her cheek and said, "Sounds good. Then I guess the third dinner should be your dad meeting my parents."

Caroline laughed and teased, "Okay. I guess that means I'll need to meet your Alpha and see just how good a boy you really are."

"Hey, now! My parents vouched for me," Andrew said as he poked his lip out in a pout.

"Yes, but they're your parents, so it's their duty to say good things about you," Caroline continued to tease.

Andrew huffed. "Fine, but that's it because, after that, I want you all to myself."

"Okay, sounds good," Caroline said just before a loud yawn escaped. "Sorry, I think I need to get some sleep now, or I won't be able to get up in the morning."

"Good night, baby doll," Andrew whispered before he gave her a loving kiss.

"Good night, Andrew," Caroline said before she turned and walked inside. She then locked the door and headed for bed.


Andrew made it back home and went inside with a big smile on his face. He'd met his mate, and now she'd met his parents. Well, technically, she'd already met them, but still, the point is that so far, things are going well.

"From that smile on your face, I think things went well tonight with you and Caroline," Mom said as Andrew walked into the kitchen.

Dad was at the table with a cup of coffee as his mom cleaned the counter.

Andrew grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat down next to his dad. "Yeah, it did. She took me being a shifter well and even met my wolf. When I dropped her off, she mentioned wanting to meet the Alpha too. Well, after, I meet her dad, that is."

"I'm glad she's giving you a chance," Dad said with a slight nod. "Oh, and by the way, your mom told me Reva came by."

The smile slid from Andrew's face, and a frown replaced it. "Yeah, Reva is going to be a problem, Dad. She's always had this idea that I somehow belong to her, and I will deal with that soon. However, what I can't tolerate is the fact she likes to terrorize Caroline for no reason."

"Mm, I know some of the other girls have gone to the Alpha with complaints about her flirting with their mates," Dad mentioned.

"I could deal with that if it were just a bit of flirting," Andrew said. "I think Caroline could too if I explained it, but it's more than that. Reva tries to be possessive over me, and she's bullied Caroline for a long time now. Reva is really hateful to Caroline, and I don't like it."

"The Alpha must be told if she doesn't stop," Dad said as he stood up.

"I've already mentioned it to him," Andrew admitted. "But he said that right now she hasn't done enough to warrant more than a talking to, which Darryl said he'd done."

"Alright. Well, I'm going to bed now, but son, give Reva a couple of days, and if she continues, you need to talk to the Alpha again," Dad suggested before walking out.

"Alright, Dad, good night," Andrew said. "I'm gonna go to bed too, so night, Mom."

"Good night, son." Mom said, kissing his cheek.

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