Chapter 8

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Since Caroline thought Andrew had already told his friends about finding his mate, she was a bit confused as to why this guy didn't seem to know. She was positive by his and Andrew's interaction he was part of the pack.

Suddenly, Caroline realized that everyone around them was waiting for an answer. It dawned on then how 'dense' she was being. Since the other guys didn't know, Kyle couldn't let on that he knew either.

"Um... I guess it's been about three weeks since he asked me on a date. It's only been official for a few days though," Caroline nervously answered.

Kyle nodded. "I heard somewhere that you two have known each other a long time."

Caroline smiled as she shuffled through her memories of Andrew. "Yeah, since fourth grade."

"That the reason you were so quick to get a tattoo with his initials on it. Most girls let the guy wear the mark," Joe mentioned as he pointed at her neck.

Caroline knew she was blushing but couldn't stop it. "Yeah, well, sometimes you just know when it's real."

"When what's real?"

Caroline cringed back in her seat with a quiet whimper. Reva, why did she have to show up now while Andrew was away? While Caroline knew Andrew was hers and hers only it didn't change the fact that Reva had made her life miserable for a long time.

"Why Drew and Caroline of course!" Joe almost yelled. "Haven't you heard? The two of them official now."

Reva narrowed her gaze and stared at Caroline. Her lip curled up in a silent snarl before she said, "Oh, they are, are they."

"If you know what's good for you Reva, you're gonna leave it alone," Kyle told her.

Reva snickered. "Now why would I do that? Andrew is going to be mine one way or another because I deserve to be his ma—girlfriend." She pointed at Caroline, adding, "That nasty looking thing on the other hand needs to realize she isn't what he needs and go away. Why is she on this bus anyway?"

"Because I told her she could be. Now move it Reva and know this, your attitude will be reported," Andrew said as he bodily moved her out of his way. He then stood in front of her, his body tense.

Reva gave a soundless snarl as she flounced off.

Kyle quickly moved to the seat across from Caroline.

Andrew sat down and as he took her hand in his, he softly asked, "You alright, doll?"

Caroline nodded and leaned into his shoulder. "I am, now that you're back."

"Kyle wouldn't have let her near you, promise," Andrew murmured as he gave her a quick kiss. "Now relax, it's going to be a long ride."

Caroline yawned. "Then I'll probably be sleeping because I didn't sleep well last night."

"Oh, and why was that?"

Caroline muffled her laugher with her hand. "I didn't have anything to cuddle up to, my teddy bear seemed to be missing."

Andrew poked out his lip. "You mean I forced myself to stay away for nothing?"

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I needed time to think about things, but that doesn't mean it was easy on me either."

Wrapping his arms around her as the bus pulled out, he whispered, "I'll make it up to you tonight, baby doll."

Caroline nodded before she snuggled her face into his chest and fell into oblivion.


"Good game boys," Coach said as they walked across the basketball court. "Andrew?"


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