Living in the little palace

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Still in shock, I wanted to know how he did it when he talked with others and made them influenced to do as he said. When I was able to I walked out of the party room, with my parents behind me and I kept walking. The servants all bowed to me as they watched as I had a destination and I was not going to be stopped as I started removing the tiara and the necklace tired of this already as my mother took it.

"My lady, where do you think you're going?" A servant asked

"I need some fresh air." I said

I had an outfit prepared for me by another servant as I made it outside and they handed me. I walked in a dark area as I changed and came out giving the servant the dress and my mother gave them the jewels. I was free in some way so I was going to use it, as I saw Baghra and I walked over to her. "Well, I never thought I would see you in a Kefta." Baghra said as I shrugged. "Feels like freedom to me, even though it's black." I said having taken notice of it. "It was premade for you." Aleksander's voice said as I looked back at him.

"You followed me?" I asked as I glared a bit now that we were away from all nobles and he smirked a bit as he walked over putting a hand under my chin to make me look at him. "Your safety is my responsibility now, for the next two years." Aleksander said as I smacked his hand away. "I will never be a solider." I said as he nod "You're not old enough to even be in that Kefta, yet you look stunning in it." Aleksander said 

I looked away from him and I just walked around with my parents to deal with my thoughts. I needed space and I needed time to think. As we walked I kept thinking about what to do when it came to my Grisha soulmate. "You could reject him, Once your away from them." Father said but I shook my head. "The royals will be watching my every move." I reminded him

I'm sixteen, I probably could learn to like my Grisha soulmate. I thought 

Time went by since then, I was staying in a room in the General's wing but since I wasn't a solider and I was still considered the Princess so I was forbidden from doing any training with the other Grisha. When I walked out of the room one day in the Kefta I was allowed to wear with the General's color I bumped into one of the soldiers. "Watch where you're going." A female voice said 

I looked at her seeing she had black hair, brown eyes and darker complexion than my own as she looked at me noticing I was not in any of the Grisha colors but the General's color and I was wearing my necklace I was allowed to keep from my birthday. "Are you new or something? Does the Tsar and Tsaritsa know you're here?" She asked quite rudely before noticing my necklace "And where did you get that from? Did you steal it?" She accused as I hadn't had a chance to speak as I was about to say something when I felt the tingling and sensed the shadows. "Zoya!" Aleksander said getting her attention as he walked over and she showed her respect. "General, I was just asking this ne-" but Aleksander cut her off. "Princess Amira is not your concern, she is  Moya Tsarevna and she is my Grisha soulmate." Aleksander said 

Zoya looked at him shocked then looked at me as she bowed before me "My apologies,  Moya Tsarevna. I had no idea we were having the Princess in the little palace." Zoya said as I just was quiet. I already didn't like her just from how she ran her mouth to me and if she knew I was adopted she'd be more than happy to go back mistreating me. "Amira doesn't socialize much with Grisha, she has only been around me and Baghra." Aleksander said to Zoya who was surprised but then she bowed and walked away. 

"I don't like her." I said to Aleksander as he looked at me "Well, you did just move over here yesterday and you wear my color. The kefta is to keep you safe from bullets but you're free to roam the halls and if you meet any Grisha who you find their company around then I can assign them to you as Grisha guards." I knew he was just trying to win me over with this but I liked the gesture he was putting out. "Can I go train with Baghra?" I asked as I knew I still wasn't going to be part of 2nd army even when I was old enough. "Baghra has been your teacher but as with every night you'll dine with me." Aleksander said 

My hero for my freedom..only to be told I have to dine with you every night. I thought 

I was glad he could never read my mind because he was not going to like what the would have heard. The answer to my freedom was the black heretic, I kept reminding myself as I walked away and went to Baghra's hut. I didn't need to be reminded of anything else at tha moment. When I made it Baghra took me to an open field where she trained me to be a leader, a Queen in some ways or someone who could lead but with Grisha. 

"You've improved a lot since we started when you were younger." Baghra said "Your grandmother would be proud of you." 

I smiled at the fact that people thought that I could lead but I was in a good mood. I saw the look on Baghra's face when she looked at me though. "What is it?" I asked as Baghra sighed. "There is something you should know." Baghra said as I waited for her to speak. "What is it?" I asked 

"There is a blood pact between the families, the first Sun Summoner daughter and the first Shadow summoner son to wed once the Sun Summoner daughter turned eighteen." Baghra said 

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