Chapter 9

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Makaylyn p.o.v.

The little boy and I are looking around Radiant Garden to see if we can find my friends or his parents but I don't know what they look like? I turned to the boy who I was holding his hand "What does you parents look like?" He stop walking. Did I mess up? I saw him looked at the ground, I kneel down his level "Is there something wrong?" I ask him, he didn't seem like to talk that much but he gave me a nod "What's the matter?" He didn't replied nor a nod. Seem like I have to figured it out. "Is it something about your parents?" I ask, his respond was a nod while still looking at the ground. Something about his parents? I then realized why he stopped walking. "I see..." He then looks up at me with his one blue eye while the other is covered with his hair. "I'm sorry little one...Do you have a caretaker that looks out for you?" he gave me another nod "Okay, can you tell me what they look like? Or where they are at?" I ask him and gave me another nod. "Alright, you can lead the way" I said, he grabbed my hand and started to lead me to where his caretaker is.

After awhile of walking in Radiant Garden the little boy is still leading me towards his caretaker. We were getting close to what looks like a castle, "Is this where you caretaker is at?" I ask, he stopped and turned to me then gave me a nod. "Okay, after I take you back to your caretaker I'll be finding my friends, okay?" he gave me a nod.



I turned to look at Panchito and Jose who came running towards us. "Where were you? We've been looking for you everywhere?" said Jose "Well when Panchito shouted your king name and run away to get him but I got distracted by the Unversed when I turned back to look at you but you guys weren't there so I followed the Unversed...and..." They noticed my expression changed "Makaylyn?" ask Jose, I can see the little boy look at me "Did something happened?" ask Panchito "You can say...I found my friends" "Oh that's great!" said Jose and looks around but only find the little boy and me. "Um where are they?" ask Jose, "Is that one of them?" ask Panchito and looks at the little boy. "No that's not them. I've actually found him when I was trying to find Ventus again but I've noticed that he was loss so I wanted to bring him back to his caretaker" I explained, they gave me a nod "So where's your King?" I ask them "Well" Jose started to laugh a bit "funny story" I gave them a confused look "You see our King kinda teleport to another world" Panchito finished. "I see. Well let's get this boy home" when I looked at the little boy, he was looking at something. I look to where he is looking at, does he want ice cream? I look at him "Do you want ice cream?" he look up at me and give me a nod.

We walked over to a small white creature resembling plush toys, with large, spherical heads, small ears sprouting out of the sides of their heads, and stubby hand and feet that lack distinct digits. Their eyes are constantly narrowed into brown slits and their noses are bulbous and pink. They have small tiny, purple wings like those of a bat on their backs and, perhaps their most distinctive traits, large, red, spherical "pom-poms" on attached to the tops of their heads by a thin, brown, antenna. "What can I get for you kupo?" they ask us "We would like an ice cream please" I said, the small white creature nods at us and brought out four light blue ice cream, it handed us the ice cream and I payed for it. I gave one to the little boy while Panchito and Jose got their ice cream from the small white creature. The little boy started to lick his ice cream "What kind of ice cream is it?" I ask "It's sea salt ice cream" they replied. Panchito, Jose and I tried the ice cream. "It's..." Panchito started "salty..." said Jose "And sweet...?" I finished while the little boy nods at us and continued eating his ice cream. We thank the little white creature and headed towards the little boy caretaker.

We finished our ice cream until the little boy stopped walking and turned to look at me. "Is there something wrong?" I ask, he then points at a direction "Oh! Is that where your caretaker is at?" I ask and he gave me a nod and started to walk away, "Hey aren't you going to be okay? I don't want you to end up loss again" I said, the little boy turned to look at me again "I think he trying to say that maybe it's not that far, so he would be alright" suggest Jose while the boy gave him a nod. I started to walked towards him "Oh, I guess it's time to say goodbye" I started "I wish you can tell me--" "Ienzo" I stopped and look at the little boy. "Ienzo? Is that your name?" I ask, he gave me a nod. "Well my name is Makaylyn" I said and gave him a smiled, "My name is Jose Carioca" "And my name is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III" Izeno gave Panchito a confused look and I laugh a bit "But you can call me Panchito" Ienzo gave us a nod, I kneel down at his level and gave him a hug "I hope I can see you again Ienzo when I find my friends again you can meet them" I said and let go of him, he gave me a nod. With that he walked away from us and started to walk back to where he caretaker is at. We watched him leave until we couldn't see him. "Well I think we are done for Radiant Garden" said Jose "Si!! Let's go!" said Panchito, I gave them a nod and followed back to the Gummi Ship.

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