Chapter 19

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Third p.o.v.

Panchito and Jose are now heading inside of Disney Castle. They started to go and search for Chip and Dale. They found them where the controls are for the Gummi Ship.

"You called us?" said Jose

Dale nodded, and Chip said "The King has gone missing!" "And he only left a letter to go find some kind of key!" Dale finished Chip sentences.

"What kind of letter did the letter say?" Panchito asked but Jose also added another question."And what kind of key?"

"We aren't sure! It only said there's big trouble that is making the star blinking out!" said Chip

"That's why the King needs someone with a key!" said Dale

Panchito and Jose looked at each other knowing who had a keyblade and that was their friend through their adventure.

"So he sent Donald and Goofy to go find this person! They went to Traverse Town to find Leon!" said Chip

"Donald went to Traverse Town to find someone with a key?" said Jose while the both chipmunks nodded.

"Did he say anything else in that letter? Something for Jose and I?" Panchito asked, they both shook their heads no.

Jose sighs and turns to the red rooster. "So what should we do now?" Jose put his hand between his beak. "We couldn't even find a trace of Aqua or a clue to where she might be? But maybe..." He then looked down at his hand. Panchito then puts his hand on top of Jose knowing what he's thinking of using. Dark Magic. "No amigo. You know what's gonna happen if you use it" Jose sighs knowing that he's right.

But what other choice do they even have to locate Aqua? They could go find Terra because of what Aqua said to them for the last time after she disappeared, she knows where Terra is at but she wouldn't tell in case they followed her.

Panchito sighs "Wanna...wanna go look one more time? We might find something that we miss"

Jose nodded. "Alright one more check but after...I don't know where to go next" he said as he shrugged.

After they told Chip and Dale they're leaving to find more clues that they missed when they searched for the first time. Chip and Dale tell them they'll let the Queen know where they're doing.

But it was only them who found out what's going on. Oswald and Felix landed their Gummi Ship next to the tower where Master Yen Sid lives.

Once they're both out of the Gummi Ship they went inside the tower and walked up the stairs. "Do you think Master Yen Sid knows what's going on?" Felix ask

"He has too. If anything goes wrong with the world he can tell us what's going on" said Oswald as he continued to walk up the stairs.

Felix then stopped and asked "What if Mickey is there?"

Oswald then stopped walking up the stairs and thought about it after sighing while clutching his hand. "Just...Just ignore him" he said then continued walking up the stairs with Felix right behind him.

Once they opened the door to where Master Yen Sid's room is, they walked inside the room. He then saw Oswald and Felix in the room. "Oswald, Felix. I figured you both would be coming" They both stayed quiet as Yen Sid continued to speak. "You are aware of what's happening, correct?"

Felix nodded. "Yes. I saw the stars of the world have disappeared, why is that?"

Master Yen Sid said one word and more words for them to understand the situation. "Darkness has spread. They continuously spread their darkness towards other worlds to find the hearts of the people"

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