Chapter 1: The Big Surprise

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It's 7:00 am on a Wednesday, 10/15/22. Tim and Lucy have been dating for about a year now, it's their one-year anniversary, which makes this day even more special. Since Lucy is off today, thank goodness, she gets to stay at home and chill with Kojo, while Tim is stuck on calls for the rest of the day, and assigning new rookies to their T.O's. Tim tries his best to not wake up Lucy as he gets ready for work, but even a single movement makes Lucy wide awake. Lucy shifts a little bit, which makes Tim obviously know that Lucy's awake. "Sorry, I was trying not to wake you, but since you're awake now, good morning beautiful!" Tim says, "Good morning, what time is it?" Lucy asks, Tim checks the clock and says "It's 7:05, right now." "What are you doing up so early, Tim? Go back to sleep!" Lucy adds, "You forgot that I have work today, right? While you're at home, I'm stopping crime and making sure the new rookies don't wash out on their first day." Tim says in a somewhat, sweet but sarcastic way. "I'm going to get ready, so go back to sleep." After about 10 minutes, Tim is about to leave,  Lucy wants to discuss reservations for this new restaurant that they've been dying to try. It's a perfect opportunity for them, it's their one-year anniversary, and they still haven't said the "L" word yet. "Okay, 71Above or Beauty & Essex?" Tim asks, "Hmm, definitely 71Above" Lucy says. "Okay I'll make reservations right before roll call." "Okay, please be careful, Tim!"

An hour after Tim leaves for work, Lucy is at home with Kojo. "What should we eat for breakfast, Kojo?" Lucy starts her day, and makes her way to the kitchen, she feeds Kojo, takes him outside to run around for a bit, then makes herself breakfast. Usually, Lucy doesn't have a problem when it comes to her cooking food, everything she makes is spectacular. Lucy ends up getting worried, so then she calls two people she knows very well to come over so they could sort out this conundrum. Once the doorbell rings, Lucy opens the door revealing Angela and Nyla. "Why did you call us, Lucy?" asks Nyla. "Yeah, now I have tell Wesley to take care of finding a babysitter for our date tonight, and this babysitter is charging $50.00/per hour. All because Wesley is rich, that means she wants to charge more!" Angela complains. "Well, I'm so sorry that, you have a over-priced babysitter issue, but I have an issue too, and I need both of your help." Lucy admits. "Okay, what's the problem, Lucy?" "I'm about to tell you, Nyla, would you please stop being impatient with me for at least one second?!" Lucy informs Nyla and Angela on how she's been having this sudden urge to throw up lately, and she doesn't know why, she thinks maybe Nyla and Angela would have an answer to her problem here, but they need to find out what's causing Lucy to act like this. Lucy needs to get this problem fixed before she and Tim go on their date at 8pm tonight. "Maybe you should take a.... test." Nyla says, "What kind of test?" Lucy asks "Oh, you know what kind of test we're talking about Lucy." Angela adds. "No, I really don't Ang-" "Oh for crying out loud, Lucy, we mean a pregnancy test!" Nyla says, "What?? What makes you think in a million years that I'm pregnant,  you guys?" "Well unless you ate something that is making you feel like you want to throw up, maybe you should take one!" "Well, I mean there was some type of action happening the other night so, maybe I should." Lucy says. Lucy changes her outfit swiftly and goes to the nearest CVS. Angela and Nyla wait for Lucy to come back from CVS. Once Lucy returns, she goes straight towards the bathroom to take at least 3 tests just to be sure and waits for her results after 9 long minutes. After waiting for the results to come back, all three tests come back with two lines. Lucy is  indeed pregnant. Lucy runs Angela and Nyla to tell them the good news "I'M PREGNANT" Lucy shouts, all three are very, very excited for the up-and-coming life that's being brought into this world. Shortly afterwards, Angela and Nyla try to help Lucy figure out how she's going to tell Tim the big news. They order some food so that they can be somewhat active as they try to come up with a plan, after every bite one of the three would go "OOH" and suddenly their idea would vanish. Lucy wanted to stop thinking of ideas for a moment and decided to go onto Pinterest, and she saw a cool idea on how to tell Tim the big news. Shortly after, Angela, Nyla, and Lucy were all in Walmart looking for the specific items they needed to pull this off.

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