The Second Baby Shower

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About one week has passed, after the baby shower/ name reveal, and let's not forget the proposal. Since then, everyone has sent early-early wedding gifts, and baby gifts. But before going into much detail, let's take a recap.


Lucy starts getting worried because she hasn't heard anything since the team except Angela and Lucy, went to go find the gunman. She then goes into full panic mode when she hears multiple shots fire. Lucy tugs onto her rings, the ring she's been wearing since her kidnapping, and her new engagement ring that she also just received. A few minutes later the gunshot victim is taken to the hospital, while the suspect gets detained.

Tim and Lucy approach each other. "Oh, thank God, you're okay!" Lucy exclaims hugging Tim, "I told you that I would be fine." Tim says kissing her forehead. "So, are you hurt?" Lucy asks again, even after Tim told her that he was perfectly fine. "Lucy, I just told you that I'm fine, you have nothing to worry about." Tim says holding Lucy's hand it was a sign of telling each other that everything is perfectly fine, and that they have nothing to worry about.

Ever since that day, they've been getting loads of gifts, early wedding gifts, and more gifts for their daughter, Zoe.

Now that Lucy is 6 weeks, she might get a lot of morning sickness and headaches, and that's been going on for a few days now. Lucy isn't showing as much, but there is a small bump.

One morning Lucy wakes up, and is on the verge of throwing up, she was sitting next to Tim, and before he could say anything, Lucy was already in the bathroom, vomiting.

She sits back down next to Tim; he looks down at her because he's never seen her like this before. "Lucy, what's going on?" Tim asks, he crosses his arms and just stares at her. "Morning sickness, now that I'm 6 weeks, that's all I do, I have headaches and then I throw up." Lucy says, she sounds very drained.

"Lucy, did you sleep well?" Tim asks, he can just tell by Lucy's voice. "Uh, why?" Lucy is so drained from this entire week that she can't even state the obvious. "Lucy, you seem very tired... You should go to sleep." Tim says, he helps her to their bedroom, and has her go to sleep, Lucy falls asleep instantly.

A few days go by, Lucy starts to feel somewhat better, she has an appointment with her OBGYN, she's getting her first ultrasound, they both wanted to go together, but now that Tim is a sergeant, he has to be at work majority of the time. Lucy came in 15 minutes early, it's 11:50, her appointment started at 12:15.

She signs herself in and waits for the doctor to call her name. A female doctor who looks about 28 years of age, comes to escort Lucy to the room. "Hi, Lucy, I'm Dr. Jones, but you can call me Valerie." The doctor says, the doctor asks Lucy a series of questions, that has been written down on her clipboard. "Okay, Lucy, now we're going to do an ultrasound." Doctor Jones -- or Valerie, starts the ultrasound. "Okay, so we do actually know the gender of the baby, would you like to know?" she asks, Lucy then answers. "Actually, already know the gender of the baby." Lucy says confidently, leaving the doctor confused. "How? This is your first ultrasound. Did you take one of those common tests that a lot of people use, or...?" The doctor asks, Lucy then reflects on what happened, not too long ago.

"A few weeks ago, I got shot. on the job, near the abdomen, it didn't hit anything important, so the baby is fine. The doctor ended up telling me the gender of the baby." Lucy admits shakily, she doesn't like talking about what happened given what's recently happening.

"Wow. I'm glad that you and your babies, are okay." The doctor says, Lucy feels like doctor said something wrong, but she said 'babies', "I'm sorry... did you say 'babies'?" Lucy asks, last time she checked, she was having one child, and that child is a girl. "Yes...Wait, you didn't know?" The doctor asks, Lucy is utterly confused, is she hearing things incorrectly? "Didn't know. what?" Lucy asks, "That you're having twin girls." The doctor, says Lucy is stunned, Dr. Ramirez didn't say anything about twins, so where did this come from?

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