The Scare - Chapter 2

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It's been about 5 weeks after Lucy told Tim  about the big news.. Lucy was in the bedroom getting ready for work, she's about 4 weeks about to be 5 and she's starting to show a little bit. Tim walks into their room and comes behind her to put his hand on her growing baby bump, he places a kiss on her neck as Lucy turns around to kiss Tim, after breaking the kiss, Lucy greets Tim for the first time this morning. "Hey you!" Lucy says in a excitedly but flirtatious way, "Hey, beautiful." Tim says "What time is it?" Lucy asks, Tim checks his watch, "It's 7:15." Tim says, Lucy then starts rushing  to find her bag. "Why are you in such a rush, important plans?" Tim asks giving her a very confusing look. "Yeah, we literally work together, Sergeant Bradford." Lucy says with a very teasing tone. Lucy says ass Tim stops her. "Lucy, you're not going to work." Tim says trying to make her stay home. "Why?" Lucy asks sometimes forgetting the obvious reason. "Hmm, I don't know maybe because you're pregnant." Tim says in a loving and snarky way, as he once again places his hand on her growing baby bump. "Tim , please! I'm not showing all the way, just yet and I'll try to stay away from the high-risk calls, plus you'll be riding with me anyways!" Lucy says.

Once they both arrive at the station together, they both get changed into their uniforms, and get ready for roll call. Lucy makes her way into the roll call room, and she's greeted by Nyla. "Hey, Chen!" Nyla calls out, Lucy gives Nyla her full attention. "Oh, hey Nyla what's up?" Lucy asks "You'll be riding with me today." Nyla informs Lucy, she's left confused for a second, but before she could ask Nyla why she's not riding with Tim, Sergeant Grey starts roll call, as Tim follows him. "Sergeant Bradford, would you like to start off?" Sergeant Grey asks Tim, "Yes sir, today there's no major crimes to follow up on, the night shift did their jobs, but there is one thing.. We're having everyone switch partners for the day." Tim says, smiling at Lucy, again, Lucy is still confused on why she's not riding with Tim. "Harper, you and officer Chen, will be riding together." It's still weird for Tim to still call Lucy "Officer Chen" even though they're dating, and they have a whole entire child on the way, but it's still going to be something he'll have to get used to. "Lopez, since you 'miss the trill' of being out on patrol, you'll be riding with me. And--" Before Tim could finish his sentence, Sergeant Grey cuts him off. "--And, Officer Thorsen will be riding with me, which also means that Nolan, you'll be by yourself." Sergeant Grey says. "Alright, that's it, be safe out there." Tim says dismissing everyone, as soon as roll call was finished, Tim and Lucy went to the interrogation room, they give each other one last kiss, it was supposed to be a peck, but it turned into a entire make out session, Nyla and Angela walked in, and immediately rolled their eyes. Angela broke silence first, "Okay so how is this going to work?" she asks, since Lucy is riding with Nyla, instead of Tim how would this all be settled, there was one simple solution. Trauma Plates, and a vest. "You guys have nothing to worry about, while I go and set up the shop, I'll just ask for two trauma plates. Simple as that." Lucy says, before she walks out, she kisses Tim one last time. "Oh, get a room you two!" Nyla says in a teasing way. Angela notices that Lucy is leaving, she catches up with her, "Hey, Lucy where are you going?" Angela asks, "Oh, I'm going to go set up the shop." Lucy says, "Which means you're going to go get the war bags?" Angela still unsure on what Lucy is about to do, "Yes, I'm about to get the war bags, why?" Lucy looks at Angela with a confused look. "How about I help you with the war bags, you know... so that you won't hurt the baby." Angela says, Lucy finally understands what she meant, Lucy would sometimes forget she's pregnant because of how small her bump is. "Thanks, Angela." Lucy says as they're setting up the shop. "Of course." As Angela and Lucy were setting up the shop, Tim and Nyla were having a conversation on how to stay away from danger. "Nyla, I need you guys to tackle the small crimes, I need Lucy and my child to be safe." Tim says with a very strict tone, "Okay, I understand, the smaller crimes." Nyla says. They both walk out, and they meet up with Angela and Lucy, "Nyla, the shop is already set up so we're good to go." Lucy says, "You.. picked up the war bags?" Nyla asks, "I could've done that, for you, regarding the baby." Nyla says, "Don't worry, I helped her get the war bags." Angela says.

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