Exciting Moments

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It's the next day, a few hours before the wedding.

As Lucy was struggling to figure out her wedding vows, Tim already knew exactly what he was going to say.

Tim walks into the living room, where he sees Lucy. "Wait! Don't look at me!" Lucy says covering her face with her hands.

"Luce, what are you talking about?" Tim sighs, Lucy closes her laptop, "It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding." Lucy says, slowly moving her hands.

"Luce, that's not 100% true, plus I saw you this morning, so it's not a big deal." Tim says walking away. "Fine, but if something happens, don't say I didn't warn you." Lucy says, as she walks to the kitchen.

Tim gives Lucy a kiss, "I love you," Lucy says, "I love you too, Luce."

Two hours go by, it's currently 12, the wedding starts at 6 (18:00)

Lucy goes to pick up her wedding dress, it's a white long sleeves off shoulder side slit tulle wedding dress.

After getting her hair done, which took three hours, she's finally done.

Which left enough time to think about what she's going to say. Since Tim wasn't home at the time, she was able to take a peek at his vows, she takes a few pictures, and tries to copy some of his vows.

After a few hours of going back and forth, Lucy knows what she's going to say. She checks the time, it's 5pm (17:00) meaning in one hour, the wedding will start.

Since Tim was already at the wedding venue, Lucy arrived shortly after.

Lucy walks into her dressing room. She sees cards with flowers, she starts to read the cards, but she hasn't put her wedding dress on yet.

Lucy hears a knock, she opens the door and she sees Sergeant Grey. "I am here to deliver a message." Grey says.

"Okay, what is it?" Lucy asks, as she crosses her arms. "Tim told your dad not to come." Sergeant Grey says, "Wait, why?" Lucy asks.

"Because of what your dad said yesterday." Sergeant Grey says, he then walks away.

Lucy didn't want her dad at her wedding, so in a sense she's not upset. She closes the door, but before the door shuts, someone stops it.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Lucy asks, "Your fiancée told me that you didn't want me at your wedding." Lucy's dad says.

Lucy rolls her eyes. "And you came to see if it's true?" Lucy asks, her father nods in response. Lucy checks the time, it's almost 6, and she doesn't even have her dress on.

"I don't have time for this, I need to get changed." Lucy says, after kicking her dad out, she's finally in her wedding dress.
Lucy takes a deep breath before she walks down the aisle.

After walking down the aisle, she finally makes her way to the alter where she meets Tim.

"Hi." Lucy says shyly. "You look beautiful, gorgeous at that." Tim says, Lucy starts to smile.

A minute goes by, and it's now time to exchange their vows.

"Lucy, when I look at you, when I see you smile, all I see is a sunshine. I'm grateful to wake up every single day, and just see you. You're phenomenal, Luce, out of this world, at that. And for that, I love you. I will be with you every step of the way." Tim says, as he grabs both of Lucy's hands, he then places his hand on Lucy's growing baby bump.

Now, it's Lucy's turn. " I don't even know how to even start this off." Lucy starts to sniffle. "I love you, and I love being your sunshine. I love shining bright on you during your worst moments, and I love being there for you, because you're always here for me, and  it'll always stay that way.

"I now pronounce you Husband, and Wife. You may now kiss your bride." The priest says, both Tim and Lucy lean into the kiss, as the crowd cheers.
After months and months. The day is finally here. They're finally here.

Lucy was sitting at her desk doing paperwork, while Tim was going over a case with the rookie officers.

As Lucy's at her desk, she accidentally drops her pen. As she's picking up her pen she notices a puddle, when then leads to her having 'cramps' and/or contractions.

Nyla and Angela notices that Lucy's in pain, as she holds onto her stomach.

"Lucy. What's wrong?" Nyla asks, "I think I'm going into labor." Lucy says.

"I'll go get Tim." Angela says, she walks to the roll call room. "I am so sorry to interrupt, but I need you to come with me." Angela says grabbing Tim's arm.

"Lopez can it wait? I'm in the middle of something." Tim says. "No it can't wait." Angela says.

"Angela, what's wrong?" Tim asks, "Your wife's in labor, and I need you to come with me, like now." Angela says as they make their way to Lucy's desk.
As they make their way to the hospital, everyone comes in behind them, as they all sit down in the waiting room.

The room starts to fill up with doctors and nurses, which means they're ready.

"Okay Lucy, on the count of three, I need you to start pushing. Okay?" The doctor says.

Lucy holds Tim's hand tight. She starts to cry a bit from the pain. As Lucy's pushing, she made some side comments.

"Tim, I love you, but you did this to me." Lucy says, as she holds his hand even tighter.

"Okay, I see a head." The doctor calls out. A minute later, they hear a cry.

One of the doctors takes the baby and wraps her in a blanket.

"Okay Lucy, you have to do this one last time, okay?" The doctor says, Lucy places her head on the pillow.

"Luce, you got this, I believe in you." Tim says. "Okay, one last time." Lucy says as she winces in pain.

Two minutes later, they hear another cry, both babies are warm and are wrapped in blankets.

"Luce, you did it, you brought two girls into this world." Tim says, Lucy starts to cry, as she hugs his hand.

The doctor lets Tim and Lucy have a moment with their daughters.

They let two people in the room at a time, first up was Angela and Nyla.

"Oh my gosh! You guys have twins!" Angela says.

To tell the twins apart, one was wrapped in a white blanket with blue and red stripes, while the other was wrapped in a pink blanket.

"This is Zoe, you guys," Lucy says, as she tugs onto her red white and blue blanket.

"And this, is Reign." Tim says, both Angela and Nyla had a chance to hold both girls, Sergeant Grey and John also had a change to hold the twins as well.

After everyone leaves the room, the doctors come back in to take the babies.

"Bye Zoe, bye Reign, I miss you already." Lucy says.

"You did it." Tim says. Lucy looks up at Tim with a smile, "No, we did it."

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