Christmas Surprises

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Four years have gone by, not too long ago, Tim and Lucy welcomed their twins, Zoe and Reign.

It's officially Christmas Day, Zoe and Reign could barely contain their excitement, while Lucy, on the other hand had two big surprises for Tim.

"Mommy, Daddy! Wake up!" Zoe and Reign says in unison.

"It's Christmas!" Reign exclaims, she has a big smile on her face, as she stretches her arms out.

Lucy smiles into her pillow, "How about you two let us get ready, while you're downstairs, but don't open anything."

Both Zoe and Reign nod, Lucy waits for them to close the door behind them.

Lucy runs her hand through the back of Tim's hair, as he kisses her neck. She lets out a moan, but not too loud.

"Good morning, baby," Lucy whispered, as Tim continues to kiss her neck.

" 'Morning, Luce," Tim grabs her hand, as their fingers intertwined Tim was about to kiss her hand, but Lucy stopped him as their lips met.

Lucy's in the bathroom getting ready, she looks in the mirror as she stars to smile. "I remember our first Christmas together, two months after we started dating."

"Oh yeah, I remember we didn't know what to get each other, so we decided to just have sex all day," Tim says as he starts to laugh.

Lucy wraps her arms around his neck, "And I thought I was the best gift giver. You gave me some of the best gifts over the years."

"Oh really?" Tim asks, as he kisses her again. Lucy lets out a "mhm", in response.

"The most amazing gifts you ever gave me, our first kiss was magical, I'm counting that as a gift... The charm you gave me... the engagement ring... and of course, the two twins that's sitting downstairs."

Tim smirks at the number of gifts Lucy called out, "I really am the best gift giver, huh?"

Lucy shrugs, "Well you obviously can't top me, but sure," She walks out of the bathroom with a smug look on her face.

"Lucy, before we go downstairs, I wanted to give you this," Tim sighs, as he gives the box to her.

When Lucy opens the box, it was a locket, the picture inside was a picture of Jackson, before he died, right beside the locket was a card.

The card reads, "Lucy I want to congratulate you on every milestone you've achieved. (Just so you know, I'm rooting for you and Tim. We all know you guys have feelings for each other), I wish you both happiness, your wedding was beautiful, I was there watching from above. I hope the girls are doing well, Merry Christmas, Luce.... -Jackson."

Lucy starts to cry, everyday, she misses her best friend. She wanted him here, she wanted him to meet Zoe and Reign. He saw everything from above, he didn't miss anything.

She turns to Tim, and hugs him. "Thank you," she says as she cries into his shirt.

"You're welcome, Luce," Tim places a kiss on Lucy's head.

Once they get downstairs, they see Zoe and Reign sitting next to the tree, they haven't touched any of the presents, thankfully.

"Yay! Mommy and Daddy are here!" Reign exclaims.

"Present time!" Zoe exclaims, she places her hand on the biggest present she could find.

After opening all of their presents, there was wrapping paper everywhere, Zoe and Reign were off playing with their new toys, while Tim and Lucy were still by the tree.

"Luce, I have another present for you, trust me it's the last present that I of right now," Tim says, as Lucy starts to laugh.

"I know a few days ago you lost your ring, so I decided to get you a necklace that matches, along with the ring," Tim puts the ring on Lucy's finger, bring back memories from when they exchanged rings at their wedding.

Lucy really wanted to cry again, "God, I love you so much."

"I love you too, Luce," Tim kisses her right after putting the necklace on her.

Lucy lets out a sigh, she grabs the present she has for Tim. "I got you a present, and before you ask, no, it won't blow up."

Tim opens the box, he looks at what's inside the box for a moment, and then he looks at Lucy, but he doesn't say anything. He places his hand over his mouth.

"...I'm pregnant...again," Lucy looks down at the floor with tears in her eyes, tears of joy... of course.

Tim places his hand on Lucy's baby bump, "Come here," Tim says softly as he hugs her, and kisses her shortly after.

A few hours in the day go by.

"Zoe and Reign are asleep, but I need to talk to you," Lucy sighs.

She gets in the bed right next to Tim, as he places his hand on her growing baby bump.

"Earlier Nyla had called me. There's a new mission for me...And the bad news is that I'm going undercover. The worse news is that I have to fly to England," Lucy's eyes meet Tim's.

"So, you're going undercover while pregnant... in England?" Tim asks, which is followed by a groan when Lucy nods her head.

"Do you know how long? When do you leave?"
Lucy sighs again, "I don't know how long I'll be undercover. But I leave tomorrow."

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