Chapter 16 Part 1: Great Times And Great Surprises

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Adam was driving in his raptor on the way to the pay per view that not only is Logan and Pam at, but Adam's girlfriend will be in a tag team match with Dori defending her tag team titles against Naomi and Lana.

Adam saw a text pop up on his phone that was from his brother.

Logan: hey brother, it's me just asking you to text me to let me know when you get to the hotel so I can meet you there.

Adam pulled over so he could safely answer Logan's text.

Adam: I'm driving right now, but yeah I will let you know, how's everyone doing ?

Logan: everyone is doing good, Gionna says she can't wait to see you.

Adam: tell her i can't wait to see her either.

Logan: will do, see you in a bit.

Adam got back on to the road and eventually made it to the hotel and parked his Raptor in the parking lot.
He got his suitcase out of the back of his raptor and then made his way into the hotel lobby.
He then texted his brother letting him know that he is here.

Adam: hey brother, I'm in the hotel lobby now.

Logan: ok, I'll be there in a minute.

Adam waited in the lobby but not for long as Logan snuck up behind Adam and tried to jump scare him.

Logan: gotcha !

Adam: you dick haha.

Logan: haha, how was the drive here ?

Adam: it pretty good, not much traffic all thing considered.

Logan: that's good, what have you got planned for the rest of the day.

Adam: honestly i don't know, where's everyone by the way ?

Logan: Pam is in the hotel room, but Gionna, Dori and everyone else are already at the arena.

Adam: alright, let me just check into my room and then we'll go to arena.

Logan: alright, I'll wait her while you get your room key.

Adam went to the front desk to get his hotel room key and went to his room.

As Adam was checking his hotel room out, Logan decided to ask him how things went.

Logan: so how have things been going since we last talked ?

Adam: well I've been using my hike gym daily.

Logan: I can tell there's a difference, you look in great shape.

Adam: thanks, I've also got my truck too, I drove it here.

Logan: oh nice, I'd like to see it in person.

Adam: yeah, I was going to ask you if you had already got a ride there.

Logan: no, i haven't.

Adam: well if you want, you can come with me and I'll drive you there seeing as I'm going there too.

Logan: yeah definitely, thanks.

Adam had locked the door to his hotel room and then walked with his brother to the parking lot where his raptor is parked.

Adam: there it is, what do you think ?

Logan: it looks awesome.

Adam: hop in, then we can get going ok ?

Logan: alright.

Adam drove him and his brother to the arena and parked in the private parking lot.

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