Chapter 24: Live Show Surprise And Meeting Adam's Family

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It was the morning after the ppv and Gionna was just waking up.

Gionna opened her eyes and saw Adam was still asleep.
She was watching Adam sleep and was blushing as she remembered what they did together last night.
She bit her lip and smiled as she held Adam's face in her hand while she held onto him tighter and draped her leg over him and while he was still asleep, she quietly pulled one of his hands from her upper back down onto her butt and his other hand onto her leg.

She nuzzled her face in between his neck and face and then placed her hand on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat.

A few minutes later, Adam was waking up and as he opened his eyes, he saw Gionna's arm over his chest and her hand placed where his heart is.

He turned his face to see that Gionna was already awake and smiling at him as he smiled back at her while he blushed remembering what they did the night before.

Gionna noticed Adam blushing and decided to start teasing him.

Gionna: good morning baby, why are you blushing huh ?

She then moved herself so that she was lying right on top of him.

Adam: I imagine that it has something to do with last night doesn't it ?

Adam started running his hand up and down Gionna's back.

Gionna: I'm still tired from last night.

Adam: we both are.

Gionna then decided to ask him a question that she didn't know whether he would want to answer but she decided to ask him as she was curious as she had a dream last night about him meeting her family.

Gionna: baby ?

Adam: yeah ?

Gionna: I had a dream last night and you were in it.

Adam: ok, are you going to tell me about it ?

Gionna: yeah, we had just got out of the car and we were walking up to the front door and I knocked on the door, but as the door opened, that's where the dream ended.

Adam: ok, do you want me to meet your family, is that what you're trying to tell me ?

Gionna: are you sure you'd want to ?

Adam: yeah, we have talked about it before though haven't we ?

Gionna: yeah I know, it's just that talking about it and actually doing it are two different things.

Adam: I know.

Gionna: so when would you want to meet them ?

Adam: well, what do you think would work best ?

Gionna: well how about i call my mom after we've had a shower ?

Adam: yeah and how about I talk to my mum about you meeting my family ?

Gionna: okay, now let's go and have a shower.

Gionna got out of bed and grabbed Adam by the hand and pulled him into the shower while she was giggling.

After the shower, Adam got changed and then called his mother to organise when he can bring Gionna to meet his family.

Adam: hey mum, how are you ?

Jaclyn: hello son, I'm good thanks, what are you up to ?

Adam: just chilling in a hotel room with Gionna.

Jaclyn: oh how is she ?

Adam: she's doing great.

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