Chapter 25: A Bump In The Road

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A couple of weeks later and Adam was driving to Gionna's ranch and he was feeling nervous, because he wants to make the right impression as he knew that this is a big step.

He reached Gionna's ranch and parked his charger and honked the horn before getting out.
As he was walking to Gionna's front door to knock, Gionna opened the front door and ran towards Adam and wrapped her arms and legs around Adam in a hug.

Gionna: hey baby, I'm happy your here, how was the drive over here ?

Adam: it was great actually, not a lot of traffic and I got here quicker than I thought I would and then when I get here my beautiful girlfriend greets me by latching onto me like a koala bear before I'd even got to the front door.

Gionna: well I'm happy to see you baby, I'm excited for you to meet my family.

Adam: I'm excited too, but also a little bit nervous.

Gionna: why are you nervous love ?

Adam: I just want to make a good impression on your family because i know how close you guys are as a family, i remember when you told me about how your mum raised you, your little sister and your four brothers all on her own.

Gionna: I love that you remember these things baby.

Adam: well your family means a lot to you, which means that i want them to know that I love you and that my intentions with you are good.

Gionna looked into Adam's eyes and smiled at him, took his face in her hands and kissed him.

Gionna: come on baby, let's go inside.

Adam grabbed his suitcase and went inside with Gionna.
As they went inside, Adam was greeted by Gionna's dogs, Spirit and Kilo and Piggles, her pet pig.

Adam crouched down to pet them all as they were happy to see him.

Adam: hey guys, I missed you.

Adam then stood back up.

Adam: I'm just going to put my suitcase upstairs if that's okay.

Gionna: yeah sure, go ahead.

Adam then came back downstairs after putting his suitcase in Gionna's bedroom and sat down on the couch with Gionna.
When Adam sat down on the couch, Gionna got closer to him and rested her legs on him while Adam placed one hand on the back of the couch and the other hand on Gionna's legs.

Adam: so when is your family getting here ?

Gionna: in a couple of hours so I'm going to start making some food in a little bit.

Adam: can i help ?

Gionna: of course baby.

After cuddling on the couch for a little bit, Adam and Gionna started making food and as Gionna was mixing the ingredients, Adam came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on her cheek which made her smile.

Gionna: baby that makes me feel weak at the knees.

Adam could see that Gionna was still doing her part of the cooking, so as he had finished his part, he still stood behind her with his arms around her, and he intertwined his fingers with hers and helped her with what she was doing.

Gionna was smiling to herself as she saw herself getting used to this, Adam could tell that she was thinking about something so he asked her about it.

Adam: what's the matter babe ?

Gionna: nothings wrong baby, it's just that I was thinking to myself that i could get used to this happening more often when we move in together because i like it when you wrap your arms around me.

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