Part 2

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"Okay gang you know the drill, this is a simple dragon rescue mission. According to Heather's map, the hunter ships should be just up ahead." Hiccup shouted over the high winds.

Looking over to the twins he added, "Does everyone remember the plan?"

"Why does he always look at us when he says that?" Tuffnut whispered to his sister, but still loud enough for the whole group to hear.

"I don't know..." she answered in the same low voice. "Hey Hiccup!" Ruffnut yelled, "Don't you worry your pretty little head, of course we remember the plan, right bro?"

"Oh yeah yeah yeah of course we do," Tuff agreed, in an almost convincing tone. "It's the one with the salty fish and big nets right?"

"No you mutton head!" Snotlout scolded, "You, Ruff, and I make a distraction, while Fishface and Hiccstrid swoop in and free the dragons. We've done this a thousand times!"

"I mean, I guess that plan could work, but it would be really cool if-"

"It doesn't matter how cool it is Tuff!" Fishlegs interpreted from the back of his Gronkle, Meatlug "What matters is that we free these innocent dragons and put a mace in the hunter's operations."

"I know I know," the long haired boy started, "But what if we-"

"No Tuffnut! We're not doing that!"

"But you didn't let me explain my idea! What I was going to say was-"

"Oh God's" Hiccup sighed, as his life long friends continued to bicker behind him.

Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, were collectively known as the dragon riders. They were a tight knit group of Berk vikings that spent their days devoted to protecting the dragon species.
Since exploring beyond the archipelago, they had acquired a base of operations that they called Dragons Edge where the lived amongst wild, and their own dragons.

For almost a year now, they had been at war with Dagur the Deranged, and since he'd teamed up with Ryker, it had become almost impossible to stop the dragon hunter's operations, because Dagur knew all their go to tactics.
Recently however, Heather had been working with the riders from the inside, giving Hiccup and the gang coordinates of the hunters location and where they planned to strike next.

Why are the riders at war with Dagur you may ask? Well around three years prior, Dagur wound up in prison at the hands of Hiccup for his treacherous acts towards dragons. When he escaped, all Dagur wanted was revenge. Simple, sweet revenge. So he went in search of the Grim Reaper, a legendary ship that was said to be filled with treasure. When he got the wares, he could acquire the gold he needed to get himself an army and plot his attack on Berk.
At the same time however, Hiccup heard word of Dagur's escape and that it was likely he was headed for the Reaper. After a quick persuasion, his father gave the order for the dragon riders explore the legendary ship before Dagur did.

What they found, changed everything.

"Hunter ships, dead ahead!" Astrid called, drawing everyone's attention to the red and white sails just visible from under the cloud cover.

"Okay guys, this is it. Let's go!" Hiccup ordered as his Nightfury, and he dived towards the water.


Urszula stood with her ear to the heavy door of the storage room, desperately trying to hear what was going on outside. The sound of dragon blasting and panicked hunters filled her ears. Through all the chaos, the yells of her uncle drew her attention, he seemed to be screaming, "Is that all you've got!" which meant they were definitely loosing and he was desperately trying to make himself feel better about it.
Thinking her uncle would be plenty distracted by the explosions, Urszula pulled the door open a smidge, just enough to poke her head through and what she was met with was a very striking, yet destructive sight.
Hunters were using their dragon root arrows to attempt to hit the riders, but they swerved every one like they had been doing it their whole lives. All the winches had been destroyed by ingeniously, blasting the wooden deck that attached them to the vessel, and there was a wall of smoke around the ship, making it impossible for the hunters to get a clear shot of the riders as they would swiftly jump onto the deck and break the lock of one of the many cages.
What Urszula was most fascinated by was the was the way the riders and their dragons flew together. She had always thought people flying dragons would be exacly that, the human in control, demanding the dragon to go the way they desired. But it was so much more then that, a synchronicity of thoughts, the ability to anticipate the others next move, without a word or growl of exchange.

Ursa watched as a husky boy riding a Gronkle emerged from the fog. The viking got off his dragon and made a move to open another cage while the Gronkle used their tail as a deadly bludgeon, knocking a hunter out. The rider seemed to be struggling to break the cage open and Urszula felt the urge to go and help him but immediately stopped herself, knowing it would be bad if and of the riders saw her, let alone her uncle.
He finally opened the cage and gestured for the dragon to be free, but when he turned around to mount his dragon, they were gone. Panicked, he started to call "Meatlug!" which Ursa assumed was his dragons name, as he looked around frantically in an hopeless attempt to find them.

Hearing the commotion, a blonde girl riding a beautiful Deadly Nadder landed next to the distressed boy.

"Fishlegs, cmon! All the dragons are free, we gotta get out of here!" Ursa heard the girl shout over the huge amount of destruction.

"No! My Meatlug! I can't find my Meatlug!" He cried, continuing to scan the deck with his eyes.

"On the contrary," a distinct, familiar voice interpreted, "She's not exacly hard to miss if you ask me."

Walking towards the two riders with their back to Urszula, was Ryker, Dagur and Heather. Ryker held Meatlug by the ear with one hand, while the other held his wide sword that Ursa knew so well, being made to sharpen it many a time as a kid.

Dagur laughed manically with his scarred hands on his belly as leaned forward " Oh! That's good one Rykie!"

Urszula didn't need to see Heather face to know she discreetly rolled her eyes.

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