Part 6

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The next morning, Urszula had a sinking feeling deep within her chest.

She was sick of having to obey her father's every command. He was wrong to make an enemy of the dragons. She knew them to be kind and caring creatures, they wouldn't hurt her unless they felt threatened.

She thought about how cool it would be to be a dragon rider. But she quickly discarded it. She was never going to get of Viggo's clutches.

"Urszula! Are you awake?" she heard a low voice call to her.

She groaned internally, "Err yeah, yeah I'm up!" She called in reply.

"Good, you Father needs to speak with you."

Well that can't be good.

Quickly, she threw a dark purple tunic over her night shirt and pulled on some tattered trousers. The girl hopped out the tent trying to get her shoe on and had her dagger in between her teeth.

She continued her hoppy run all the way to her fathers tent and peaked through the fabric opening.

"Father?" she questioned, slowly entering the room when she saw him at his desk. She stood a little straighter "You wanted to see me?"

Without looking up, he began "The plan is already in motion, Heather has, as predicted believed my lies." He walked around in front of the table, leaning back against it.

"What lies? What did you tell her?" She had already guessed whatever lies he had concocted was so he could get his hands back on the Dragon Eye after the dragon riders stole it from one of his abandoned ships. Urszula had seen it a few times, she knew it was important, but her Father had never fully explained why.

"Well, if you were at the briefing this morning you would already know." he snapped, his tone full of menace.

Ursa didn't reply and just waited for him to continue. "You will accompany your uncle today, to capture the Flightmare."

"Flightmare? Why do we need the Flightmare?" she questioned.

Viggo sighed, something he did a lot in the presence of his daughter. "Ursa, what have I told you about asking too many questions?"

She hated it when he spoke to her like that, she wasn't six anymore. If he hated her so much, why keep her around? Why had he practically kept her prisoner the last eighteen years?

"The Flightmare's purpose is of no matter to you", her father continued, "I have asked Heather and her dragon to accompany me to capture the Flightmare. Of course she will have informed Hiccup of this, he's probably planning an ambush as we speak."

A classic Viggo move Urszula thought. She had watched him play with his enemies like pieces on a game board for as long as she could remember. He thought of every scenario, every possibility his opponent could challenge him with. And he was prepared for every single one.

"Your job, along with my brother and that idiot Dagur, is to take the Flightmare. I'll deal with the riders. Understood ?" Viggo finished, raising an eyebrow at her like he expected to have to explain it all again.

"Understood." Urszula sighed.

"Good" her father said and began to twiddle a knife in his fingers. "Now off with you", he indicated the weapon to the door before putting it down and crossing his arms over his chest. "We leave just before sunset".

Without another word, Urszula obediently walked out the tent. She hated the control he had over her but it was all she had ever known, she was obliged to do his bidding. And she loved him - in a weird I hate you kind of way. But no matter how much she cared for him, she would escape him one day.

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