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Name: God, Yahweh, Jehovah, The Presence, God of the Covenant, The All-Mother, The One Above All

Name: God, Yahweh, Jehovah, The Presence, God of the Covenant, The All-Mother, The One Above All

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Alias: Charlotte Morningstar

Age: ∞

Sex: All

Personality: God, or Charlotte, is good. She is kind, trusting, and forgiving. While she does know they are irrelevant, she chooses to experience emotions for a sense of fulfillment. She is very observant and keen to guide others on the path they've set themselves on.

Powers and Abilities:

Anything and Everything

Physiology: Charlotte is a divine entity of infinite power.

Omnipotence: As God, Charlotte possesses infinite power. Everything happens because she can make it happen.

Source of Creation: Charlotte birthed the very thing that all multiverses in the void spring from.

Dimensional Travel: Charlotte can instantly transport herself and others across dimensions, such as between Heaven and Hell, as well as outside of creation.

Immortality: Charlotte is eternal. She does not age and cannot be harmed by any normal means.

Metamorphosis: Charlotte is capable of instantly altering her form at will, allowing her to appear as anyone or anything.

Cosmic Awareness: As God, Charlotte possesses an understanding of the workings of the universe on a cosmic scale.

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