Chapter 2: Lord Knows

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In the beginning...

God created Heaven, Earth, and Hell. She managed and ruled over her creations for eons, but soon grew bored of it.

So with a plan in mind, God left Heaven and came to Earth...


Charlotte couldn't help but smile fondly at the mere sight of her son. Whether it be Samael or Lucifer, the man standing before her was her son. Even with the egregious amount of defiance he harbors towards her, the justified hatred, and the physical and mental scars she had given him, he was and would always be her little Lightbringer.

In a stark contrast to the love Charlotte viewed Lucifer with, he glared at her with absolute loathing, resentment, hatred and anger. If looks could kill and if she could die, then Charlotte would be in a grave personally dug up by him.

There she was. The bane of his entire existence and then some. The mere sight of her after so long shook Lucifer to his core. He may have been outraged by her presence, but his anger did not cloud his judgement, because if it did, he knew the smiting would be severe.

She brought out the typically controlled emotions in him and the most prominent of the bunch would be anger and fear. It was unclear which one of them would overtake the other, but he knew that he had to tread carefully.

"W-Why are you here, mother?" Lucifer asked with a bit of a stutter and as he tried to steady himself.

"To see you, of course." Charlotte replied.

"Don't you patronize me, mother! Don't you dare!" Lucifer shouted, "What? You expect me to believe that after eons of twiddling your merry little thumbs in the Silver City, you decide to come down just to pay little old me a visit?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing, son." Charlotte replied.

Lucifer scoffed, "Well, pardon me if I don't believe it then."

"Belief was never your strong suit." Charlotte joked with a small smirk and he stared at her, hatred blatantly apparent, "I'm kidding...somewhat."

"Well, whatever the true reason may be, I don't care. You've seen me, so leave." Lucifer stated.

"When I just got here?" Charlotte asked amusedly, "No, I think I'll stick around for a little while longer. Bare the fruits of my labor as one would say."

"B-Bare the fruits of your labor?" Lucifer asked in surprise, but then he started laughing and turned to his bartender who was still wide eyed and staring at Charlotte, "Maze, did you hear that? Because it sounds to me that God herself has decided to take a vacation as well."

"Unfortunately, my son, I don't get the luxury of vacations. Even now I'm still working. You know, maintaining the infinite cosmos of everything that has been and will be." Charlotte casually explains, creating a mini universe in her hand as an example, "It gets quite tedious at some point."

"Oh, cry me a river. Not literally, please." Lucifer said and Charlotte smiled in amusement, "So, what would be baring the fruits of your labor entail exactly? Come to join Maze and I in a life of sin, perhaps?"

Charlotte sighed, "Samael, you have to understand-"

"It's Lucifer Morningstar to you." Lucifer interrupted vindictively.

"Lucifer." Charlotte reiterated, "You have to understand that you and I are two different beings entirely. You may enjoy the debaucherous life that you choose to lead by leading not only yourself and others into sin, but I am on the opposite spectrum of that."

"Really now? How typical. What you call sin, I call freedom. I don't know if you realize this, but life isn't about following your stupid rules. Everyone has an inner most desire and I am merely bringing it out in the open instead of hiding behind a shield of false superiority that you oh so convey." Lucifer stated.

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