Chapter 4: God, The Devil & Chloe

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In the beginning...

God created Heaven, Earth, and Hell. She managed and ruled over her creations for eons, but soon grew bored of it.

So with a plan in mind, God left Heaven and came to Earth...


"Detective, welcome to the party." Lucifer inducted, opting to ignore his mother's perplexing amusement over trivial matters and address the surprising appearance of a familiar face.

"Grab the bucket, collect the guns. Now!" Chloe ordered 2Vile's butler and he hurriedly did as told by grabbing an empty ice bucket and making rounds by collecting the firearms around the room.

"How do you do, detective Decker?" Charlotte greeted with a smile, "Looked over the details, I reckon."

"Yeah, something like that." Chloe replied, walking over to them, "I ran the dead guy's cell phone. 2Vile was the last person he called."

"Auspicious deduction method." Charlotte praised, earning a smirk from Chloe.

"You couldn't have warned me that she would be showing up?" Lucifer asked, looking to his mother.

"And ruin the surprise? Please." Charlotte denied with a shake of her head, "She's already spicing things up just by being here."

"Dampening my mood is more like it." Lucifer said and Chloe quirked an unamused eyebrow at him.

"That's why I'm here to brighten it for you." Charlotte expressed jovially.

"Yippee..." Lucifer drawled out sarcastically with an eye roll.

"Okay, quiet. The both of you." Chloe ordered, garnering their attention, "Let me start off simple and just ask how you two managed to get to 2Vile before me?"

Lucifer chuckled, "We've been quite the busy bees, my dear."

"Quite buzzy." Charlotte added whilst wiggling her eyebrows to enunciate the joke, but they just looked at her, Chloe amusingly perplexed and Lucifer unamused. She looked at Lucifer's expression and her smile dropped, "No?"

"No." Lucifer replied.

"Ok." Charlotte said with a nod.

Chloe sighed and looked at 2Vile, "Talk to me about Delilah."

"We've been over that one detective." Lucifer informed.

"And why you called the shooter two days before she was murdered." Chloe added.

"Fine. Yeah, I called Eddie 'cause he hooks me up sometimes. He met Delilah through me." 2Vile explained, "Whatever. Don't make me a killer, do it?"

"No, but it does make you a suspect." Chloe retorted.

"What, so everyone on Eddie's phone's a suspect?" 2Vile asked, "Are you joking? You gonna drag half of Hollywood downtown. Be like the Oscars or something."

"We should attend the Oscars." Charlotte suggested, looking at Lucifer.

"Why? It'll just be a ceremony celebrating sinners at the highest pedigree for how well they cover it up to the masses." Lucifer said uncaringly, "Frankly, I find it offensive that most haven't caught on to their façades."

"True, but consider how fun it would be to instill some supernatural shenaniganry to the whole formal façade?" Charlotte suggested.

Lucifer smirked, "Punishing the sinners are we, mother?"

"All in good faith, of course." Charlotte said to him with a smirk of her own.

"You two!" Chloe yelled, interrupting their conversation, "There's an investigation taking place. Can we please cut it with whatever plots and schemes you're conjuring up and focus?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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