Sold! To the man with the scar!

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Dream shivered in his cage, his fluffy yellow ears going flat. This wasn't the Inu's first time at the black market. Every year for twenty two years he would come here. He wasn't sold every year, but whoever did buy him would quickly want him gone. Dream doesn't know what he's doing wrong. Why no one wants him. All he knows is that someone else will take him, use him, and leave him.

His current seller rattled the bars with his cane. Dream jumped, his tail going between his legs.

"Get yourself presentable!" The seller shouted, "I want you to make me good money this time!"

Dream nodded, scrambling to his knees and straightening his too small tee-shirt. He dusted himself off as best he could, but he knew it was hopeless. The dust just settles back onto his clothes, into his lungs. Where it sat heavy with the fear of being sold to another madman.

He was so caught up in his thoughts, that he cried out in pain as his collar was harshly tugged. A huge rule break. Dream's eyes went wide as he looked at his seller, his entire body showing a fearful, apologetic display.

"Get up you filthy dog." The seller scoffed, yanking harshly on the lead.

Dream bit back a whimper, climbing to his feet. If he wasn't sold, his punishment would be much easier if he obeyed.

He resisted the urge to shield his eyes as he was lead out onto a bright stage. Dream saw many of the people lean forward in their chair. Typical. An A class, bure bred golden retriever with green eyes. Dream knew he was a valuable plaything.

"Here we have a twenty two year old Inu!" The seller bellowed to the crowd, "Strong! Healthy! Class A and a purebred! He's obedient too! Tall! Perfect for a house guard! Starting bid is 45k!"

Many of the potential buyers grumbled, sitting back in their seats. Though a few raised their hand. The few rich ones willing to spend the money to have a rare, high class pet.

The seller smiled, "50k!"

A few more hands down. About five people left. Dream scanned them. They seemed to be the average types. Either slicked back hair and suits, large muscle men working as proxy's, or junkies wanting to show off to their drug buddies.

Usually the last type get caught out early, not having nearly enough money to afford Dream. But this time, there was one. A man who almost looked the same age as Dream, who kept bidding higher and higher. The man smirked at Dream.

"70 thousand!" The seller yelled.

The last muscle man dropped his hand. The seller smiled.

"Will you go up to 75?!" The seller asked.

The last man shook his head.

The seller laughed, "alright! 70k going once! Twice! Sold! To the man with the scar on his eye!"

Dream felt his stomach drop as he was pulled off stage. A new owner. New rules. New punishment. The man with the scar walked up, ignoring Dream and only talking to the seller.

"My Inu?" The man asked, holding out his hand.

"Policy states money first." The seller grinned.

The scarred man nodded, "ah, you're one of those places."

The seller shrugged as he took a slip with the man's black market number on it, "personal policy. Been around many of these?"

"Been around." The scarred man took the lead and the necessary papers.

The seller nodded and laughed, "well, try not to get rid of this one too fast!"

The man's grip tightened of the lead, "trust me, he's not coming back here."

Dream shivered at the edge in the man's voice. He knew that some Neko's and Inu's were bought to be killed. Slaughtered for entertainment.

Regardless, he walked behind the scarred man as he made his way to the money counter. The man gave his slip over to the person working the desk. They looked over the slip.

"70k correct?" They asked.

The man nodded, "that's right. Now the rest of my money?"

The person at the desk sighed, "one moment sir."

The person walked into the back room, leaving the man and Dream in complete silence. Dream could hear the barks and hisses of the other Inu's and Neko's outside the collections office. He hoped some of them would find good homes, or at least pass in a peaceful way and not get stuck in this hellhole.

The person sat down again, this time with a case, "30k left sir. You have enough to possibly buy another small neko or Inu."

The scarred man shook his head with a small chuckle, "no no. Unfortunately my fiance's have limited me to only one per market."

"Very well sir." They nodded, sliding the briefcase over.

The scarred man opened it, taking a quick look inside. Then, finding everything in order, closed the case and turned sharply. Dream followed him obediently. The man didn't speak a single word to him, even as they got to the parking lot. He simply opened the door to his car allowing Dream to crawl in before shutting it loudly.

The car ride was dead quiet. Dream didn't know what to do. Was he going to die? Was this strange person going to kill him? The Inu felt nauseous at the thought. Very nauseous. Actually, he might just be sick.

The next thing Dream knew, he was outside the car, puking his guts out onto the side of the road. Someone was holding him up, rubbing his back soothingly. Dream looked up to see the scarred man with a worried look on his face. Then promptly passed out.

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