Dance Break

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It had been three weeks since Dream came home. He was bored out of his mind. Everyone was out except him and George, and George slept most of the day.

Dream wondered around the house. It seemed too large without everyone in it. The Inu wondered into a large, empty room. A polished wood floor glinted with light from a chandelier. Tables were pushed against the walls, along with a strange box with a cone on it.

He walked over to the strange box, looking at it curiously. It seemed old, but well taken care of.

"Wow," a voice made Dream jump, "it's been a while since we've opened this room."

Dream turned to see George leaning on the doorframe. He suddenly felt embarrassed, as if he'd been caught snooping where he wasn't supposed to.

George smiled at him, pushing himself off the doorframe, "you're fine. I just forgot this was here."

"What is this room?" Dream asked.

"A ballroom." George shrugged, "Quackity had it added when they all got engaged. They're going to have their wedding here... Someday..."

"How long has it been?" Dream turned to the Neko.

George's tail flicked as he averted his eyes, "well, it's been about three years... They postponed the wedding multiple times. The first time was because Quackity had just started the casino and was too stressed. Then Karl started having memory gaps. Things just never worked out. They might have forgotten about it by now."

"That's... Wow..." Dream mumbled.

George gave him a small smile, "well it would be a shame if this room went to waste. Care for a dance?"

Dream wheezed in laughter, "No! No! I-I can't dance!"

"Oh come on!" Grove laughed lightly, taking his hand and pulling him to the strange box.

George knelt down, grabbing a thin folder. Taking it out, he tipped it until a large disk fell into his hand. The Neko carefully placed the disk on the box, flicking a switch and putting a thin branch on it.

The box crackled for a few moments, then music started pouring out of it. Dreams eyes widened and his tail started wagging.

George chuckled as he stood, "have you never seen a phonograph before?"

Dream shook his head, "no! How- what- how is it doing that?"

"The record has tiny grooves in it. And that arm has a needle. The needle vibrates as it runs over the grooves, and sends it to the cone, which amplifies the vibrations into sound." George explained.

"That's amazing!" Dream smiled.

George laughed, taking Dream's hand again, "come on, let's dance now!"

I'm starting to think I like the sound of you and this city. The drive on the cold mass pike. The church is calling from New Amsterdam. And in a dream your future had a voice and he spoke like me.

Dream tried to follow George's steps.

I'm starting to think that I wanna buy you chocolate hearts from CVS. Kiss you too hard and follow you west. Sing you sad songs on a Sunday afternoon.Yeah I think I'd like to tie you in ways that you can't undo. Dinner in bed and Korean food. Say I love you just a little bit too soon.

George spun him around the room as the music rose. They swayed together, clumsy and laughing. Dream ended up stepping on George's feet and almost his tail. They couldn't help the smiles that graced their faces. Their clumsy movements pushing them one way or another.

Sleepy town boy, corduroy bottoms. I keep my fat lip tucked when you're talking to me
We've got our SSRI's in common. You check the box on my right-side column. I'm at ease as quiet as suburban trees. Whenever you get around me I got all I could ever need.

George spun them quickly as the music swelled.

And I wanna buy you chocolate hearts from CVS. Kiss you too hard and follow you west. Sing you sad songs on a Sunday afternoon. Yeah I think I'd like to tie you in ways that you can't undo. Dinner in bed and Korean food. Say I love you just a little bit too soon.

The two danced wildly, stumbling over themselves and each other. Each note growing louder and louder as their bodies got closer. They could feel each other's laughter.

George was pressed to Dreams chest. He looked up at him. The music lulled.

I'm starting to think I like the sound of you and this city. The bells and the white search lights. I think I'm ready now to answer them. And in a dream, I hear your hum and noise and it sounds so free.

Their faces got closer. Dream felt his cheeks get warm. Or maybe that was just the air around them.

George felt Dream's breath ghosting his lips. His eyes flicked down for a moment, taking in Dreams face before meeting his green eyes.

Their lips met softly.

And I wanna buy you chocolate hearts from CVS. Kiss you too hard and follow you west. Sing you sad songs on a Sunday afternoon. Yeah I think I'd like to tie you in ways that you can't undo. Dinner in bed and Korean food. Say I love you just a little bit too soon.

Music swelled around them as they kissed. Dream reached up to cup George's cheek, pulling him closer. There, in that moment they were all that each other needed. Just the two of them, in the empty ballroom as the phonograph fizzled out.

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