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Once everyone had been settled down and was back in the living room, Quackity started discussing Dream's papers. Or rather, the illegal documents from the black market that documented health, class, and breed. Though it looked more like an autopsy report from a horrific accident. Looking through them had made Quackity sick. The major injuries Dream sustained during his trafficking had been documented there, but Quackity knew there were many injuries that went undocumented. The ones that, if revealed, would have dropped an Inu's pricetag by a lot. They'd seen it many times before. And the mental trauma on top of that was never documented.

"So, have any questions Dream?" Quackity asked the Inu with a small smile.

Dream shrugged lightly, "I, um, what-what am I supposed to do?"

Sapnap sighed softly. George flicked him with his tail, giving him a look. Karl squeezed Dream's arm gently as Quackity started talking again.

"You're supposed to relax and heal." Quackity told him, "later today we're taking you to the doctor, and then we're burning your papers."

"D-doctor?" Dream tilted his head.

"Have you never been to the doctor before?" Sapnap asked, concern growing in his face.

Dream shook his head slightly. He had heard previous buyers talk about doctors, taking their kids or partners there. But Dream had never been himself.

Quackity gave him a soft smile, "it's okay. I can't go with you today, but Karl and George are going to be there."

"We'll be with you the whole time." Karl told the Inu.

Dream nodded. Karl gave him a quick squeeze, then stood up and made his way to the kitchen. The Inu watched as everyone dispersed, each going to do their own thing. They were so... Casual. The humans treated the hybrids like equals. It was something Dream had never seen before.

He was bred to serve humans. All hybrids were. That's what he's been told. His whole life he was made to do as told. And was punished if he disobeyed.

Sharp knocking made Dream jump up. A growl resonated in his throat. His mind rang with intruder. Protect the home. Defend his humans. Kill if needed.

A gentle hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned to see Sapnap giving him a soft smile before moving towards the door. The moment he opened it, a golden ball of fluff darted in.

Sapnap sighed heavily, "Raccoon is back!"

"For the last time, I'm not a fuckin-!"

Dream was knocked back as the stranger ran into him. He looked up to see a boy with golden ears and blue eyes sitting up next to him.

The boys eyes widened as he saw Dream. His tail started wagging furiously, a large smile appearing on his face.

"Another Inu!" The boy cheered, "I'm not the only one anymore!"

"Tommy!?" Quackity called, his wings flaring, "what the fuck are you doing here!?"

The younger Inu froze, looking up at the scarred man, "oh fuck that's right! Wilbur's gonna kill me!"

Dream tensed. Was Wilbur his owner? Was this boy going to die!? No. Dream wouldn't allow that.


Almost immediately, Dream was in front of the boy, snarling at the human at the door. He would protect the young Inu to the death if needed. Dream wouldn't let any other hybrid get hurt under his watch.

The human froze in the doorway, clearly taken back by the strange Inu. He looked to Quackity, who just sighed.

"I take it this is a bad time..." The human said.

"Just a little." Sapnap shrugged.

The human rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "Come on Tommy. Let's go home and leave our neighbors alone."

Tommy's ears and tail dropped, "okay Wilbur..."

He started walking around Dream, heading twords the human. Dream grabbed his arm, pulling him back and maintaining eye contact with the human.

"No." Dream snarled.

"Dream, it's okay, they're-" Quackity took a step forward.

"Get away!" Dream snapped, pulling the boy closer.

There were too many people. Too many humans. He didn't know if he could protect the younger, but he would sure as hell try. Even if he died.

Then George was there. The Neko's ear flicked as he helped Dream calm down. Tommy slipped past them, running to the human and hugging him tightly. Dream watched with pure confusion.

"They're brothers." George explained.

"Brothers?" Dream echoed.

The human gave him a small smile, "yes. Sorry for scaring you, if I had known Big Q had brought someone back, I wouldn't have yelled. My name is Wilbur. My family and I live across the street."

"Are you all..." Dreams voice drifted off.

Wilbur laughed lightly, "actually, I'm the only human. My father is a Harpy, Tommy's an Inu, our other brother is a piglin, and the kid that stays with us is a Neko."

"And Tubbo!" Tommy tugged Wilbur's coat, "he's basically family too! And he's a satyr!"

"He might as well live with us too." Wilbur mumbled, making Sapnap laughed behind his hand, "anyway, sorry for bothering you. I wish you a speedy recovery, Dream was it?"

The Inu nodded slightly. Wilbur gave him a small smile, then guided him and his brother out the door.

"Are you okay?" Quackity asked, cautiously taking a step closer.

Dream nodded, slumping down into the chair. He curled up, tucking his knees to his chest. The Inu closed his eyes. He was tired.

George pulled a blanket over the Inu. He knew how exhausting this must be for Dream. They could let him rest for a few hours.

"Should we postpone the doctors?" Karl asked, walking up to Quackity and Sapnap.

The harpy sighed, "with his recorded injuries, I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Awe, look at our little ducky. So worried." Sapnap smirked, gently pushing against the joints of Quackity's wings.

The scarred man blushed darkly, jumping away from his fiance's. His wing were fluffed as he turned on the humans.

"I've told you to stop that!" Quackity huffed.

"But you're so cute!" Karl hugged his fiance.

George sighed, "get a room."

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