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T.W.: surgery

George winced as Puffy tugged out another electrode from his wrist. She gently layed his fingers down flat again before pulling the small device out from under his skin.

"How are you doing?" Puffy asked as she cut the connected wire and threw one electrode away.

"Fine." George huffed lightly.

Puffy nodded, "alright. Just a few more."

George closed his eyes, thankful that the room was dark save for a light above his wrist. Even with only one light, George still wore his glasses.

George could barely feel when Puffy reached under his skin again. There was just slight pressure as the reached for the next electrode. Even though it didn't exactly hurt, it was still uncomfortable.

"One more." Puffy told him after a few minutes.

George let out a breath. He was glad it was almost over. After almost two weeks trapped in a glass box, he was looking forward to having some real rest.

"Done." Puffy sighed, tying off the bandages, "okay, you can slowly sit up."

The Nekos tail flicked as he pushed himself up. His head spun momentarily, but after a few seconds he was fine.

Puffy stood up, turning the lights on dim before turning off the bright light, "Stay sitting for a few minutes to make sure you won't pass out when you stand. I'll get you some water."

George nodded. He was left alone in the room. The Neko was glad the lights were dimmed, but the claustrophobia was almost too much. He had already been there for two hours, removing a total of twelve electrodes from his wrists.

Puffy walked in a moment later with a cup, "here, be careful with your wrists."

George took the cup with shakey hands. Luckily, he was still mostly numb so there was no pain as he drank.

"Are you ready to go back to your room?" Puffy asked.

"...can I see Dream?" George asked quietly.

Puffy hummed, "I'm not sure if he's awake yet, but Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap should be there."

"I want to see them." George said.

Puffy nodded, "alright. Come on, I'll take you to them."

George slowly stood with help from Puffy. He was still pretty weak from days of starvation, so they took it slow down the halls. Eventually, they reached Dream's room.

From inside they heard laughter. George's ears lifted when he heard it. It had to mean Dream was awake, and that means Dream was okay.

Puffy opened the door to reveal a group of people. Dream turned, a large smile on his face when he saw the Neko.

"Gogy!" Tommy gasped, his tail wagging.

George let out a small laugh, "I didn't know they let raccoons into hospitals."

"I'm not a fuckin raccoon!" Tommy growled, his tail stilling.

Quackity laughed, "you might as well be with the amount of times we've found you digging in our yard."

Tommy huffed, "I was ten! Tubbo said there was treasure there."

"Do you listen to everything Tubbo says?"  Sapnap smirked.

Tommy crossed his arms as best he could with one injured, "no..."

George sat down in an empty chair by Dream's bed, "you once tried to jump off the roof because Tubbo told you to."

Phil laughed, "oh god, I remember that. I don't think I've ever flown so fast."

Puffy left Dream, moving next to Tommy to talk to him. George took a moment to look at Dream. The Inu had bandages covering his torso and his shoulder. George could see multiple bite and scratch marks over the skin that wasn't covered. He wondered what happened...

Dream grabbed his hand, making George flinch, "hey..."

George relaxed and smiled back at him, "hey."

"Can't wait to go home." Dream told him.

"Me too." George huffed out a laugh, "we'll be home soon."

Dream lat out a small laugh, "I have to stay for a few days apparently."

"Still better than never." George smiled softly.

"Mhm." Dream nodded.

"Are you tired?" Karl asked, looking between the hybrids.

Dream nodded, his eyes falling closed.

"Well, then I think visiting time is over." Puffy announced, "everyone back to their own rooms."

"Oh, come on, really?" Tommy whined, looking up at Phil.

"Yes." Phil smiled softly as he wrapped a wing around the boy, "come on, I'm sure Techno and Wil are back now."

"Fine." Tommy sighed as they walked out.

"George." Puffy gently placed a hand on his shoulder, "come on. Your room is down the hall."

"I..." George looked between her and Dream.

"I'll be okay George." Dream gave him a small smile.

"And we'll visit tomorrow." Quackity told him, giving him a hug.

George sighed, his ears going flat, "okay..."

The Neko stood, albeit reluctantly, and followed Puffy out of the room. It was then he felt the exhaustion of the past two weeks catch up with him. When he reached his bed, he immediately curled up on it. His tail curled around him as he fell into an uneasy sleep.

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