4: Jealousy

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((A/N: I truthfully didn't want to continue this story for a while, but, thanks to you guys I have motivation to continue once again. I'm sorry if it seems a bit sloppy or fast-paced at some times;; I hope you enjoy anyways!))

Quick note:

(B/N)= Bullies name

It had been at least a month since you had met Toby, and things were going great for the first time in a while. Other than a few bullies at your school, that is. You had grown quite close to Toby, but you never told him about what went on when he wasn't around. 

It was Friday; you were on your way to your last class of the day, sighing heavily as one of the bullies stepped in front of you from their locker. A small group of them (three, to be exact) had been standing in a small huddle, talking amongst themselves. 

The one that had stepped in front of you was a girl, obviously one of the preps that considered herself to be better than everyone else. 

(B/N) sneered as she looked at you; she wasn't much taller than you. If anything, the same height. 

"You sure have grown attatched to that new kid," She huffed, crossing her arms. 

"What does that have to do with you?" You narrowed your eyes.

You knew that (B/N) had a major crush on Toby, which, to be honest, made you even more protective over him. 

"I've seen how you look at him," She growled. "He wouldn't want to date you."

"Yeah, I know he wouldn't." You smirked at her as her expression changed from smug to surprised. She must not have expected you to agree with her. "He wouldn't date anyone worse than me either, so I think you're out of the question." You grinned.

(B/N) Glared at you, leaning closer as she whispered threateningly: "If I were you, i'd stay away from him, or you might just catch a bullet."

Before you could reply, a familiar voice sounded from behind you.

"Is something going on?"

It was Toby's voice. 

You jerked around to see your friend staring suspiciously at (B/N), his eyes narrowed.

"Oh nothing," (B/N) Smiled innocently. "We were just talking. I should get to class, goodbye for now!" 

As she left, she threw a wink in Toby's direction, making him blink in confusion as he watched her and her group of friends leave. 

"What was that all about?" Toby looked at you when they had left, stepping closer. 

You sighed softly. "Just some jealous bullies trying to get attention." you muttered.


"It's nothing." You smiled at him, feeling a hint of sadness, realizing that he probably didn't like you in such a way. He'd be better off with (B/N) anyways. She was much prettier.

"What are you doing?" You asked him, changing the subject. "I thought you had a different class. "

"I do," Toby looked around. "But I'm leaving early, so I wanted to come find you before I left."


"Yeah. I may be able to come visit over the weekend, if you'd like." He smiled. 

"Of course," You felt slightly stunned that anyone would want to hang out with you. Yeah, he may be your friend and all, but no one had ever came to visit just to hang out with you since you were way younger. 

You both said goodbye, before you walked to your class. Although, you couldn't concentrate, since you had a certain someone on your mind. 

~sorry this chapter is so short you guys! anyways, here it is, chapter four :3 enjoy~

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