Schools "special" classes part 2.

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This next one we only had for a year because we left that school the year after they installed it which is, Drum roll please... S.T.E.M. Or science, technology, engineering, and math well sounds good right,? Wrong it is actually just giving us an excuse to "learn" more things when we had it they treated us like we didn't know anything about computers, and other stuff. They split it into two "classes" which focused on two parts of S.T.E.M. The science and technology one was just plain old annoying and not fun because we made paper frogs and the way they taught us how to make them was like we were second or third graders (which the teacher worked with previously) plus we didn't even use the computers that much anyways. The engineering and math was still boring but it was better than being treated like a third grader. When we went to the congressional building of MN we got to act like congress and ended up debating over S.T.E.M. (Lol). We didn't make it leave but we did prove that every student in our grade hates it and thats fine.

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