Chapter 2: From the Eyes of a Child

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Decades prior...

A small sports car waved his little toy flag as Lightning McQueen sped past him.

The racing legend was still managing to run career-defining races; though he was far past what many racing fans considered to be his prime. That didn't stop him from pushing himself further and further each passing race, however.

"Yay, Lightning! Woohoo! Go Lightning, go!" the little car said.

"That's it, Andy. Sing it nice and loud!" his father – Bill Boltarius – sang along with him.

"Now, boys... Don't go and lose your voices tonight!" Sara – Andy's mother – stated.

"Daddy, he's so fast! How is he so fast?" Andy asked, looking on as Lightning sped past once again.

"It takes years and years to build that skill, son. Years and years." Bill leaned against his son.

Andy stared at Lightning for most of the race; barely taking his eyes off of him. His mother did the same; though not for the same reasons...

"Lightning's quite the looker, today. Maybe it's those hot wax massages we're still yet to try, Bill." Sara looked at her husband with a hopeful stare.

"Yeah, yeah – in due time, honey." Bill stared at the racers with Andy without even looking at Sara as she scoffed playfully.

Strangely enough, Lightning tapped out for his half of the race and let one of his running partners – Cruz Ramirez – take over and finish the race.

"Where did Lightning go? Who is that?!" Andy blurted out, not knowing of Cruz's background.

"We'll find out in a second..." Bill mentioned as he turned his son toward the nearest screen; showing a picture and a bit of background information about her.

"We've just learned Lightning is tapping out for the race. Replacing him is Cruz Ramirez; one of the current trainers at Rust-Eze's newest training facility." Bob commented.

"Well, Bob. I've never seen a racer have that much hope in a rookie. Just another reason why Lightning will be remembered as one of the greats!" Darrell mentioned.

The restart flag waved right in front of Cruz, as the racers around her roared into life. She seemed quite nervous at the start; only progressively getting better each passing lap. She continued to run incredibly for the remaining duration of the race, thoroughly impressing Andy and his parents. She raced past the finish flag with flying colors.

"SHE WON! THE KID WON! GO CRUZ!" Bill yelled as he held onto Andy, trying to encourage him to cheer.

"Go Cruz! Go Cruz! Go Cruz!" Andy started chanting with his father as his mother smiled and shook her hood.

With the race coming to an end, Andy and his parents were among the last to exit the racetrack – smiles across their bumpers.

"That was pretty incredible, huh?" Bill nudged his son.

"That was amazing!" Andy jumped up and down with glee.

"I have to admit; even I was impressed." Sara chuckled to Bill.

"Daddy! I want to be a racer someday! I really want to!" Andy cheered as he looked at his father.

Bill smiled back at Andy, with a few tears trickling down his fenders.

"Kiddo, some things are best to be watched rather than done," Bill said, trying to soften the blow. He was always reluctant about Andy becoming a racer – knowing of the risks that come with it.

"Aww, come on! I want to do it... more than anything!" Andy said as he began to gently sob, tugging at his father's tire.

Bill and Sara looked at each other with worry.

"Do you think he should? I just don't know if I can bear it!" Sara whispered to Bill.

"Look, if he's this adamant about it – we'll give him a chance. But, what can we ask of him?" Bill queried.

"What about this?" Sara said as she whispered some details into Bill's ear.

Bill perked up and turned his attention back toward his son.

"Alright, son... We'll make you a deal." Bill looked over to Sara for approval. She nodded in response.

"If you get us straight-A grades for the next year, we'll enroll you into racing school," Bill promised, looking at Sara for approval once again. She gestured in agreement, knowing it would mean the world to Andy.

"Really?! Do you mean it?!" Andy jumped up and down once again.

"Of course – but you have to put in the work! If we see a single grade that isn't an A..." Bill hinted, winking to his son.

"You won't! I'll work harder than you could believe!" Andy assured, mimicking a racing car out of excitement.

Bill and Sara could just chuckle at their son. They were beyond proud of him already and could tell that Andy was going to apply himself.


A few weeks later, Andy was preparing himself for his phys-ed class – excited as to what they were doing that day...

"I can't believe we get to have a little race around the oval! This is going to be so much fun!" Andy perked up to one of the students next to him as they lined up.

"Alright, students. We're running some little mock races today! Everybody get into groups of four, as we'll only be running four on the track at once!" the teachers notified.

"Can I go last? Please?" Andy requested.

"Sure! But, why last?" the teacher asked.

"I want to make an impression!" Andy blurted out, getting stern looks from other students.

"Well, if you're so eager to go – why don't you go first, then?!" the teacher playfully encouraged.

Andy sat still for a moment in thought – before jumping up in glee and agreeing.

"Alright! First four on the starting line, please!" the teacher pointed out, nudging Andy.

"Go for it, Andy! Have fun!" the teacher encouraged as Andy and three others lined up.

"No contact or bumping, now! Let's have some fun!" the teacher announced as they picked up the starting flag.

Andy revved his engine along with his fellow students, waiting for the flag drop eagerly...

"Go!" the teacher waved the flag – causing Andy to screech off the line and leave his fellow students in the dust.

"Whoa! That's crazy!!" some of the on-looking students gasped as Andy sped around the circuit.

Andy felt the wind breeze past him – becoming one with it. Before he knew it, he finished a full 20 seconds ahead of his cohort.

"Incredible, Boltarius! You set the bar very high!" the teacher observed, signaling for the next group of racers.

Andy could just chuckle in glee once again as he returned to the spectating group of students.

"Andy! That was heaps solid!" one of the students pointed out, bumping tires with him.

"Insane! You're going to make us look slow!" Another student congratulated.

"Thanks, guys! I guess I learned from the best..." he said, looking at a mural on the side of one of the classrooms – showcasing Lightning McQueen.

He sighed and began to be entrenched by the specter of the McQueen mural – smiling in appreciation.

"One day..." Andy sighed to himself.

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