Chapter 26: The Draw of the Curtain - Part 1

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The sun was reaching over the clouds of a beautiful Los Angeles morning - just as Sofia Bugatti signed herself into the Dinoco building. She went up to her office and unlocked the door; taking a seat shortly after. Her answering machine was inundated with a slew of calls from one particular colleague...

"Sally McQueen. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Sofia answered.

"Thank you for returning my calls, it's about a potential client of yours..." Sally continued

"I don't suppose you're referring to Dash?" Sofia could tell instantly.

"Precisely. We have reason to believe that he and his former Principal at the Dinoco Racing Academy have a history..." Sally got right to the point.

"Ah, I see now. Is there anything I can do to help?" Sofia asked.

"Well, could you help us get in contact with him?" Sally requested.

"I can surely find that out for you. Would you like me to do it now or save it for later?" Sofia began to look through her contacts.

"I'd love to know as soon as possible. It is quite urgent." Sally confirmed.

"Alright, I have the contact. Have a pen and paper ready? The number is as follows...." Sofia told her the number.

"Thanks again, Sofia." Sally thanked.

"Not a problem for you, Mrs. McQueen. We must catch up soon!" Sofia requested.

"We absolutely will, honey! Talk real soon. You're a lifesaver!" Sally praised.

"Always a pleasure. Take care!" Sofia hung up.


Sally turned around to face Lightning, Dash and Demetria huddled around her. She flashed the piece of paper with the number on it, with a smug smirk to boot.

"Let's go rewrite history." She exclaimed.

"I want to tell that two-faced lemon how much of a two-faced lemon he is!" Dash cursed under his exhaust.

"Wow... this feisty-ness is really working for me, Dash." Demetria suggestively exclaimed to Dash, causing the McQueen's to giggle.

"We aren't even in a room with him yet..." Dash suggestively hinted back.

"You wanted to see him in person?" Lightning asked.

"As if I wouldn't?" Dash retaliated.

"Well, we might need a bit of a plan here." Lightning suggested.

"Could Mack take us there?" Dash asked.

"Well, I'm sure he could. I don't see any harm in asking..." Lightning trailed off.

Before Lightning could finish, Dash already went and asked...

"Well, sure. What's the occasion?" Mack asked

"Oh, just visiting an old adversary." Dash put it bluntly.

"Uh-oh. Did you and Rush have another falling out?" Mack asked.

"No. It's my old principal..." Dash corrected.

"Alright. Just don't blame me for anything." Mack quipped.

"Oh, you're not one to blame. You're definitely not!" Dash responded.

"Sweet. When do you want me to take you guys?" Mack asked.

Dash looked back to Lightning, Sally, and Demetria – now arriving by his side.

"We gotta put a leash on you someday." Lightning joked.

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