Chapter 13: Serving the Sentence - Day 4: Date Night

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Lightning and Sally thought they'd get creative in waking Dash up for Day 4 of his sentence – bursting into his room with a mariachi band at full volume.

"AHH, WHAT IN THE MANUFACTURER?!" Dash shocked himself on his mat upon their entry.

"We got a special job for you today!" Sally yelled excitedly over the mariachi band – knowing Dash would love what she had to say. "You get to be Dr. Dawson's nurse today!"

"Wait, really?! That's amazing – I mean... cool." Dash tried to act suave, not to his avail, however.

The mariachi band exited shortly after whilst still playing, allowing the mood to calm a little.

"We know you love an excuse to hang with Demetria – the secrets out!" Lightning quipped happily.

Dash could only rush up to the McQueen's and give them both a warm nudge – to their surprise.

"We love that you're feeling great – but you gotta get ready for work! It's not an easy feat!" Lightning recommended.

Dash raced downstairs and nearly burst out the front door.

"Wait! You forgot breakfast!" Lightning yelled out to him.

A moment's silence was broken by the sound of Dash reversing back to the McQueen's.

"Oh, right... breakfast!" Dash raced off to the kitchen to grab breakfast, making a lot of noise in scrambling to serve himself some.

"There are so many sparks between them – I want to be the best man at their wedding!" Lightning whispered to Sally.

"...and I want to be the 'best bridesmaid' for Demetria – but we gotta focus on getting him down there first!" Sally quietly whispered back as the utensil clanking stopped.

Dash rolled back to Sally and Lightning – having stuffed his face with a grease pancake Sally prepared earlier.

"Mm... let's get to work, then!" he said as he kept chewing, spewing crumbs all over the floor.

"Let's roll, kiddo. Big day ahead for you!" Lightning said as he began to escort Dash to town.

In excitement, Dash left his empty dish on the floor. Lightning and Sally just looked at him in disbelief as he drove off.

"Are you going to pick that up?" Sally asked, both confused and astounded.

They heard Dash reverse back to them once again, still quite a keen bugger for the day ahead.

"Oh, sorry!" Dash apologized.

Dash picked up the dish and raced down to the kitchen; the McQueens closely behind. Once again, he scrambled to put it back in the sink. He rushed back to the front door where Lightning and Sally were waiting.

"Really eager, aren't we?" Lightning quipped as he began to nudge Dash out the door with Sally closely following.

Before Dash could even hear Lightning speak – he raced down the road toward town.

Lightning turned toward Sally for a moment and just chuckled.

"I never thought I'd say this but..." Lightning turned back to Dash. "Slow down!"

As they arrived in town, Dash burst the doors of Demetria's operating room open. Little did he know; she was with a patient.

"Dash! I see you've heard who you'll be working with today..." Demetria said – still focusing on the patient at hand.

"Yup! I'm your right-hand man!" Dash cheered as he stood with perfect posture.

"You mean my nurse?" Demetria playfully quipped, smiling to herself.

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