chapter 21

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"It's funny you should mention an ambush, dollface," said an all too familiar voice from the trees beside them. "I told you I'd see you again."

Katara kicked her ostrich-horse into a gallop, Sokka following her example, but they were both soon stopped when Pipsqueak jumped out in front of them. Katara tried to go around quickly but he grabbed the reins and the ostrich-horse jumped back, knocking Zuko's still unconcious body off onto the ground. Jet sauntered over to his body and carefully placed one of his hooked swords under his chin to tilt his face up so he could see it.

"Jet, don't you dare touch him," Katara growled dangerously. "We've had enough crap today as it is and trust me, you don't want to mess with us today."

"Oh, but surely the Katara I know wouldn't really hurt me," he taunted, kneeling down beside Zuko to get a better look at his face.

"Maybe she wasn't talking about just her," Ty Lee said, narrowing her eyes at the messy-haired boy. Sokka tightened his grip on her hands that were still around his waist.

Jet's eyes lifted to meet the girl in pink. He noticed Sokka half turn on their ostrich-horse to glare at him. Katara jumped down and walked up to Jet and Zuko. "I'll even do you a favor and warn you again. Don't. Touch. Him." She roughly kicked his hand away and he pulled it back and glared at her.

Sokka dismounted as well, helping his Ty Lee down, and readied his swords. Ty Lee smiled at him before backflipping into the trees. Jet watched her and asked, "Where's she going?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not since you're still here," he smirked, finally standing back up. "What happened to your other friends? Did you finally leave them?"

"My friends are none of your business," she spat.

"You're right. You are."

Katara's eyes widened as Jet advanced on her. He pulled out his swords to knock Sokka's away when he tried to protect his sister. Katara uncorked her waterskin quickly and just before Jet grabbed her, she used her water to knock him away. He landed right on top of Zuko with a grunt and was startled when he started to stir. She looked to her brother, who was now being held back by Pipsqueak. Her eyes quickly moved back to Jet when he whistled the ever-so-familiar whistle.

"You aren't getting away from me this time, Katara."

"I think we can change that," Zuko said, now fully awake at the mention of his girlfriend's name. Jet was already standing again, so Zuko grabbed his feet and pulled them out from under him, causing him to land on his face and lose that stupid piece of grass he always chews on. The two boys swiftly jumped to their feet, Zuko with his broadswords now drawn and Jet with his hook swords.

Something caught Katara's eye off to the side and she looked to see Ty Lee trying to block Pipsqueak's chi, but having a fair amount of trouble. He was still holding Sokka to him with one arm and in one swift move, had Ty Lee hanging by her arms in his free hand. She was on her way to help when the sound of clashing metal reached her ears. She didn't turn around to help, but instead continued on her way to help her brother and friend. Her swords drawn and water ready, she would use both to break her friend loose, but she was stopped. Her hand unconciously brought an ice shield up to one side and surprised her when it caught an arrow from Longshot. She was about to do more damage when someone jumped down in front of her.

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