chapter 25

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Zuko slammed Azula hard into a tree when they were far enough into the woods. Both of the boys pulled out their swords, each crossing one across their throat though neither of them realized how much teamwork they were putting into the whole ordeal. Azula's panicked golden eyes were quite a sight for Zuko to see. He had to hold back the urge to laugh at her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he growled, getting dangerously close to her face.

Zuko watched as the panic left her eyes and they glazed over, blank and emotionless just like they usually were. "I don't have to explain myself to you, Zuzu." He's the only family you have left now, try to be nice. She hesitated before she whispered, "I need to speak with the Avatar."

"You don't need to speak with anyone here," Sokka said, tightening his grip on the hilt of his sword.

"I'm not kidding, Zuko."

His eyes lit up with confusion at the sincerity of her voice. "Why should we believe you? How do we know you won't take him and run back home to your precious father?"

"He's your father too."

"That man is not my father. I thought he was once, but he will never be. The only father I knew is dead now because of you."

"I'm glad you think that way," she whispered, lowering her eyes. "It's time I denied him too. Consider me no longer a threat. He never loved me, he was only using me to get to the Avatar as he was you."

Zuko and Sokka looked at each other, unable to comprehend this new girl that has apparently possessed Azula's body. Zuko finally snapped out of it and his grip on his sword loosened every so slightly. "What are you saying?"

Azula took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "You're the only family I have left. He was disappointed in me for not being able to bring him what he asked for and he banished me as well. I would show you the letter, but I burned it after I read it. I'm prepared to help you teach the Avatar firebending, perhaps teach you more advanced moves as well if you'll learn from me."

"Alright, who are you and what've you done with Azula?"

She pretended she didn't hear him and continued. "He said he didn't need either of us anyway because apparently we have a new little brother, Kozun, that's going to take the throne after him. He said he hopes that Kozun is less of a disappointment."

Zuko withdrew his sword and Sokka looked back at him like he was nuts, but cautiously followed his example. Azula rubbed her pale neck where the swords had been touching and looked back and forth between the boys. Zuko looked like he was concentrating hard on his feet and Sokka was watching him as if waiting for an order or something. His eyes shifted to meet hers and she was startled at just how blue they were. Sure she'd seen him before, but she'd never paid attention to his eyes because she was always too busy fighting him. They rivaled the ocean and she supposed the waterbender's did too. Maybe that's what drew Zuko to her. So exotic and foreign like nothing they'd ever seen in the Fire Nation. She hadn't really been around boys her own age other than her brother, much less decent looking ones. Maybe life in exile wouldn't bother her so much after all.

"Did he marry again?" Zuko finally asked, breaking the silence.

"He didn't say, but I don't think so," she replied, not breaking eye contact with Sokka. "I don't think he ever wanted a female heir so he found any excuse he could to banish me and have a worthy male heir with one of the whores in that stupid harem he has. So.. what do you say? I'm sure you need help training the boy.. and there's actually something I want you to teach me."

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